Infantry section commander digesting medical texts

At the School of Infantry, where tactics and weapons are bread and butter, one soldier is working through a different type of education.

CAPTION: Corporal David-Jose Pelaez, a section commander from the School of Infantry, cleans the Skippy Badge at Depot Company headquarters, Singleton. Story and photo by Private Jacob Joseph.

Corporal David-Jose Pelaez spends his nights buried in paramedic textbooks as heavy as bricks.

“I’m working long hours to take in all the course content,” Corporal Pelaez said.

“Between keeping fit, work and all the study hours I have to put in, I don’t get as many days off as I’d like.”

The section commander posted to Depot Company, School of Infantry, always knew he wanted to do something in the medical field after completing year 12 at Kanahooka high school, Dapto.

But like many 18 year olds, he was forced to choose between work and study.

“I had a few interests in furthering my education but I felt Army was something I wanted to do more than uni,” he said.

After completing infantry initial employment training, Corporal Pelaez was posted to 1 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, where he soon completed a combat first aid (CFA) course.

“The CFA course solidified my future intentions with Army and education – I wanted to do both,” Corporal Peleaz said.

Corporal Pelaez is in his first year of a part-time bachelor of paramedic science at CQUniversity online.

He said he would continue to serve as a full-time soldier because he enjoyed the work but considered becoming a reservist in order to complete his degree.

“Because I do enjoy Army, as much as you get thrown around, you get to do things you like all the time as well.”





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3 thoughts on “Infantry section commander digesting medical texts

  • 28/07/2021 at 11:29 am

    Well done son work hard and get the rewards

  • 23/07/2021 at 5:00 pm

    What he’s got no Privates or recruits to do this job for him – ah the Army has changed. Could get a weekend duty out of this. Love from Abuela.

    • 23/07/2021 at 7:13 pm

      I was a corporal in the RAAF in the 70’s and I had no one running around after me. I supervised and allocated their work but that’s it. Not sure where you were to see corporals being served.


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