Write to CONTACT

CONTACT allows, encourages and invites our fans to submit their own* stories, poetry, reunion notices etc etc for publication on this web site.

*For copyright reasons ‘their own’ means written by the person submitting. Please don’t submit somebody else’s work (unless you can prove you have their permission).

Submissions can be on any topic – but should be relevant in some way to the CONTACT audience. We’d like to see news, advice, humour, poetry, tall tales or true – relevant to the serving and veteran military audiences.

We also welcome ‘traditional’ Letters to the Editor, fan feedback, reunion notices etc etc – as well as press releases, media alerts or anything of relevance.

We also allow relevant ‘press releases’ and other ‘commercial’ outputs – up to a point – i.e. we do not accept blatant advertising, advertorial or other ‘non-news’ items (at our sole discretion/judgement).


Submissions will be vetted before being made public. This could take up to 24 hours, but usually less.

We reserve the right to edit or even delete posts, as we see fit, to conform with our definition of ‘relevance’ and our editorial and other standards, as well as for breaches or perceived breaches of copyright, slander, defamation, privacy and other laws and norms etc. We may, at our sole discretion, contact you to discuss our reasons – but we might not either.

Use the form below to write your story and add at least one, but no more than 4 supporting photos (preferably in Internet-friendly low resolution – ideal size is 800 x 444 pixels).

Attaching a photo is optional, but it will make your story more eye-catching, especially when shared on social media.

This form will ask you for your email address. This will not be visible to the audience (but your name will). It is mandatory that you tell us your email address so that we can contact you, if required.

You can ignore the “Custom Field”

2     is the required answer to the Antispam Question


CONTACT is run by a retired DVA-TPI veteran as a hobby 

Despite my official retirement in 2022, this here CONTACT web site received a record 6.5million page views in 2023 – and is on track to break that record in 2024.

This “Write to Us” submissions process relieves me – a retiree/hobbyist – of significant admin burden, while still allowing you to communicate with CONTACT’s significant military/veteran audience.



If you use this submissions form, your name (but not your email address) will be visible to the audience.
However, we can allow submissions to be published anonymously, if there is a good and compelling reason – and we agree to that reason.
To remain anonymous, do not use this form. Send your submission direct to editor@militarycontact.com, explaining why you must remain anonymous (security, legal reasons etc)   (vanity, shyness etc or ‘commercial’ reasons don’t count 😉 ).

In all other cases, we do prefer you use this form (to reduce our admin workload).


IMPORTANT TIP: Write your story in Word etc, then paste it in the 'Post content' field below. PLEASE DO NOT write it in this form and click SUBMIT without having a backup of your story somewhere else (we won't take responsibility for your frustration when/if something goes wrong).
Please complete the required fields.
IMPORTANT TIP: Write your story in Word etc, then paste it above. DON'T write it above and click SUBMIT without having a backup of your story somewhere else. Please select just one image to upload. Minimum size 600 pixels – max size = 1200 pixels – best = 800wide x 444high If they are too big and you can't resize them, send them to editor@militarycontact.com and we'll do the technical stuff for you.
92008 Total Views 59 Views Today

Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

8 thoughts on “Write to CONTACT

  • 25/06/2024 at 4:24 pm

    My father worked for Foster Instruments in Sydney during WW2 providing instruments to the RAAF. Is it possible that there are records of suppliers to the RAAF during the war?

  • 07/04/2023 at 2:29 pm

    ok brian if you want to get snarly with it i’ll fxxx off – i was getting bored with this propaganda website anyway. Hope you continue getting your sponsor funds from the very ones who are responsible for the deaths of veterans – and ‘struggle’ with other peoples’ foibles. What a hypocrite.

  • 05/04/2023 at 10:48 am

    Judging by the gaps between ‘contacting’ CONTACT – many of us find that it’s a waste of time, due to such delays – and ‘erratic’ TIME of posting. Something needs to be done. Perhaps the CONTACT publishing empire could EMPLOY VETERANS to assist, ie actual PAID EMPLOMENT.

    • 05/04/2023 at 12:39 pm

      Hi Colin. There are very rarely any significant gaps in my comms with those who communicate clearly, effectively and appropriately with CONTACT. However, people who send multiple emails a day, that are overly long, use inappropriate, ill-considered and/or conspiratorial language IN CAPITAL LETTERS, generally get consigned to the ‘spam’ folder – unread.
      This not being the first time you’ve raised the topic of payment, IN CAPITAL LETTERS, I will reiterate/clarify what I’ve said elsewhere – CONTACT is run as a hobby by a veteran on TPI payments. There are insufficient funds to pay anyone, including me.

  • 26/03/2023 at 7:20 pm

    Am an OCS Portsea Grad. June 1963. I agree with what the Major has said, as do the members of my OCS class that I still maintain comms with. Let’s keep it up so that any soldier in this predicament receives all the support we can muster. Anyone from my region on the NSW south coast is welcome to email me.

  • 10/10/2021 at 8:43 pm

    Absolute respects to the RAAF on their 100th and sooooo sorry that we could not all celebrate with the Airshow at Avalon. having volunteered there for many years, I know what a success it has been for RAAF PR, and deservedly so.

  • 24/01/2021 at 1:08 pm

    Agree totally that Ray Payne should be recognised for his long time efforts regarding veterans.

  • 03/05/2020 at 7:18 pm

    give RAY PAYNE a medal for his dedication to veterans


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