CONTACT v Navy Daily – worth bragging about

I noticed an interesting statistic today and thought it was worth bragging about.
I visited Navy Daily this morning – an official daily newsletter produced by the Royal Australian Navy, where I saw the most read story of the month to date has only been read 2970 times!
The braggie bit I’m going to crow about is that at 2970 page views, that story would never make it into CONTACT‘s top 10 list – not by a long shot.
Navy Daily‘s most read articles in the current month…
- Australian-US military memories preserved (2970)
- An oldie but a goodie (1334)
- Prime deployment for Perth pilot (1325)
- Accidental inspiration for motivated Marine Technician (1042)
- HMAS Darwin exercises her Freedom of Entry (908) (1848 on CONTACT)
- Workforce innovation in service (904)
- New Commanding Officer promises to be crew focused (807)
- Pulling the threads together in crisis (762)
- That’s the shot: Navy photographer retires after 48 years (749)
- Father’s push leads to naval career (701)
CONTACT‘s Top 10 list of all time…
OK, so I know it may not be fair to compare their top 10 list for the month to our top 10 list of all time.
So let me see what I can dig up….
First off, these two stories from our list were published in the past month on CONTACT…
34,693 | RAAF teen worried he might be a soldier |
18,008 | Australian Army gets new service dress uniform (which is actually less than two days old as I write this) |
- Australia’s first F35 boss (9 days old) – more than 7200 views
- Exercise Hamel road move (6 days old) – more than 4000 views
- Australia’s stance on South China Sea (6 days old) – 2744 views – a Navy-centric story – and easily enough for second place in Navy Daily
…and what about this gem…
Navy launches new recruiting campaign got enough page views on CONTACT to put it in second place on the Navy Daily list for this month – 1368 (and growing) – yet it doesn’t even appear on Navy’s top 10 list (where number 10 has a measley 701 page views).
- And another stat, posted the day after initially writing this blog…
HMAS Rankin home after ‘longest submarine deployment’ got enough page views (2514) in 24 hours on our site to displace the story above in theoretical second place on Navy Daily‘s list – while the exact same (except the headline) story on their site doesn’t even rate entry on their top 10 list.
And remember, Navy Daily is supported by the RAN Facebook page with 89,000+ fans, compared to CONTACT‘s obviously more dedicated, interested and engaged 8400+ FB fans.
So, I think a little bragging is just a little bit justified 🙂.
