Third visitor + glitch with the lease

I’ve already hosted my third official out-of-town visitor at the Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre in Kiama – and I don’t even have keys yet.
I was hoping the keys would be mine early next week, but got an email from council on Friday that all-but kills off my plans for the woodworking, metalworking side of things.
But, that is as it is and we’ll work around it.
I’ve alway had the philosophy that the building we move into initially will shape the things we are able to do in it, but the things we develop and the things we want to develop will shape the building we move to next.
This building on the main street in Kiama is brilliant just for the location, location, location and the prestige that location lends to our venture.
But it will not be our forever home.
And believe me, the cogs in my head are already grinding on that issue 😉
The CONTACT Soldier On Kiama Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre will depend heavily on ‘volunteers’ – though many of those will actually be classed as ‘participants’.
If you are a military veteran and you are ‘just helping out’, then you are a participant, and just need to sign a simple form for insurance etc.
But, if you want to ‘volunteer’ in the Centre, you will need to register as a volunteer with Soldier On – email or register your interest via this on-line form.
As a volunteer, a police check (at your own expense) may be necessary too, depending on the role you are volunteering for. This takes a few days to finalise.
If you already have a ‘Working with children’ or a ‘Working with vulnerable people” certificate, you don’t need to re-do it.
But contact Soldier On to sort out the paperwork.
Hopefully the next video will have bigger, better news. We must be getting close!
Other relevant videos you might like to watch, if you haven’t already, are…
All the Veteran H.E.L.P. Centre videos,
Spilling the beans on the big secret, and
My personal Make-n-Do series
