2nd Cavalry Regt recruits new mascot

Following the sad loss of their unit mascot, Warrant Officer Class Two Courage, on 15 October, 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Darwin has recruited a most suitable replacement.
Trooper Courage, who is currently attending IETs – and performing well, thanks to previous life experience – will officially take up her duties as unit mascot and march into the unit in January next year.
Trooper Courage is a mature-aged recruit, at 12 years old.
However a unit Facebook post says she is well disciplined and keen to carry on the legacy of her much-loved predecessor.
On 28 October, at a memorial service to officially farewell the former mascot, 2 Cav Regt said goodbye to Warrant Officer Class Two Courage and posthumously promoted him Warrant Officer Class One.
Today’s Facebook post said Trooper Courage, another wedge-tailed eagle, was also very excited about serving her country – and suggested that she was off to a good start in filling her predecessor’s ‘shoes’.
“Trooper Courage weighs in at 3.8kg compared to WO1 Courage’s 2.5kg.
“The regimental bird handlers will be undergoing strength and conditioning training to accomodate the extra weight,” the Facebook post said.
“We look forward to your arrival in 2018 Trooper Courage.”
WO1 Courage hatched on 14 August 1987 at Taronga Park Zoo and was presented to the 2nd Cavalry Regiment on 15 October 1987 – 30 years to the day in service as regiment’s mascot, making him the longest-serving and most senior mascot in the Australian Army.
The badge of 2nd Cavalry Regiment, specialists in battlefield reconnaissance, is the wedge-tailed eagle with its ferocity and incredible visual acuity, holding a lance and pennant – the weapon and symbol of mounted soldiers – signifying its ability to roam over the battlefield, seeking out its prey and striking where necessary.
