Gallipoli Barracks Garrison Day to thank families

Gallipoli Barracks will hold a Garrison Family Day on Sunday April 18 to thank loved ones of Defence members and help link members and their families with support organisations.

CAPTION: The Gallipoli Barracks Garrison Family Day will have various entertainment options for Defence members and their families. Photo by Corporal Nicole Dorrett.

The event will coincide with the Run Army event at Gallipoli Barracks and will run from 10am to 1pm on Duncan Oval.

Major Karina Cann from 7th Brigade Health and Wellbeing said there would be plenty of activities to keep families of Defence members busy.

“We will have plenty of kids entertainment, jumping castles, ferris wheels, fairy floss, snow cones for them to engage with,” Major Cann said.

Another aim of the day is to educate Defence friends and families what it is they do in practice.

“We will have demonstrations from 7th Combat Brigade and other resident units on Gallipoli Barracks, section attacks, dog displays, unmanned aerial vehicles and a Tiger Armed Reconnaissance helicopter,” she said.

Major Cann said despite the numerous support organisations that were available to support Defence members, many were underutilised.

“We are trying to raise awareness on available supports, as Defence members and their families may not know about them,” she added.

This year has already been a busy year for units based on Gallipoli Barracks.

6th Brigade led the recent humanitarian and disaster relief task, Operation Fiji Assist.

Meanwhile, units from 7th Combat Brigade have assisted with Operation COVID-19 Assist and Operation NSW Flood Assist.

Commander of 7th Combat Brigade and the Senior ADF Officer on Gallipoli Barracks, Brigadier Jason Blain, said it was important to thank the loved ones of Defence members.

“Without the support of families, Defence members posted to Gallipoli Barracks couldn’t do what they need to do, to protect Australia and its national interests,” Brigadier Blain said.

“I invite all Defence members, Gallipoli Barracks staff, and their families to come along and enjoy a day where they can see what the brigades are doing and also to have some fun.”

Registration for the event can be made by searching ‘GalBks’ at





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