The Lord casts his net, both far and wide, to those who feel they’re lost
When the ways of this modern world, comes at too great a cost
But someone was always there, when we chose to serve the flag
Father Mac, our Padre, whose support would never lag
Everyone was equal, regardless of rank or station
The only trophy he ever sought, was your soul’s salvation
When you fought the demons, carried in your pack
It was reassuring, to see him down the track.
His care was truly boundless, in a pastoral sense
Sending all the good news, down the lines of our defence
When haunted by the demons, that tried to bar your path
He was ever ready, to call upon God’s wrath
He knew the tricks of his trade and how to pull the wool
When he called a church parade, the pews were always full
Not all were of his faith, but their fervour did not lack
For in order to get the punters in, he’d put a keg on out the back
My parents often told me, that gambling was a sin
But he knew every winner and somehow backed it in
He dearly loved his rugby league, what side didn’t always matter
He just cheered for every side, that was playing Parramatta
He was the one who brought the bad news, the dreaded knock upon the door
Somehow you always knew, what he was there for
Some soft words of compassion, for all those left alone
Taking time to ensure, you were not on your own
He never shouted Alleluia, or waved his hands up in the air
Ever meek and humble, when you were in his care
Weddings, parades and funerals and babies left to Christen
But what was more important, he took the time to listen
A guiding light to all of us, in this vale of tears
A close friend and confidant for over forty years
We have long forgotten, the words of his Sunday spiel
But we will always remember, the way he made us feel
Tomas ‘Paddy’ Hamilton
19 February 2021
