1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery fire up their guns
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Relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions has allowed the 1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, to fire-up their training.
CAPTION: Australian Army soldiers from the 1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery, firing their M777A1 155mm Howitzers during Exercise Barce II at Wide Bay Training Area, Queensland. Photo by Trooper Jonathan Goedhart.
Recently the regiment conducted Exercise Barce II to refresh the soldiers’ skills and send some shells down range at the Wide Bay Training Area, north of Brisbane.
However, it wasn’t COVID-19 that made the soldiers’ skills stale. This was the first live fire for this unit in almost 18 months.
But, post COVID, the soldiers had to maintain strict hygiene protocols, including sanitisation of all equipment and social distancing where possible.
As an example of the health measures taken, each J-Bar used to insert shells into the breach of the M777A1 155mm Howitzers, only two members were allocated to use, each wearing rubber gloves and sanitised the bar between missions.
Shells were also sanitised, lest someone on the receiving end be infected.
Yes – that last line was a joke – just to see if you are awake 😉

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