How employers determine if you fit the job

When employers consider hiring a potential employee, they will assign value to that person in a few ways.
This can include the educational institutions they attended, their qualifications, and their previous employment.
Understanding this will help you not see this as a barrier to getting the job you want, but as an opportunity.
Renowned education institutions such as universities, TAFE and accredited industry organisations are known constants, meaning that if an individual attended an institution that you know, then you know the individual learnt the required subject matter for a particular industry.
They also act as a synthetic ‘survival of the fittest’ process, where an individual’s marks obtained at any institution can help employers easily identify the best talent.
An individual’s study, results and attendance at an institution demonstrate their willingness to dedicate time and effort to a desired outcome.
Combined, these all provide employers with a means through which to assign value to job applicants.
Qualifications, such as certificates, diplomas, degrees, PhD’s and so on, from education institutions, ensure that employers hire a person who has been exposed to an accurate depiction of the industry currently, where it’s heading and how things should be done theoretically.
They bring fresh insight and knowledge to a company, and understand the context of their job and why they do what they do.
An individual’s previous employment is also valuable to employers, as this can help save time and money on training.
An employee who has previously worked in the industry, more than likely understands the context within which the company operates, and is likely to assimilate information and training more quickly.
They also bring their insight into how the competition in an industry operates, as well as a network of people who can be called upon for help if required.
For current and ex-service members, understanding how employers assign value to a potential employee is crucial when choosing your next career.
These factors collectively determine the level of risk a candidate poses to the productivity and operation of the company, as employers aim to hire an individual who is highly effective and requires minimal training.
Therefore, once you determine what it is you want to do, you can identify what exactly that industry or specific employer requires you to have in order to commence work there.
WithYouWithMe can help maximise your value as a job candidate during your transition from the ADF by evaluating the skills you already have and then placing you on our upskill program. Register as a mentee here.
By Tom Moore, CEO WithYouWithMe, a leading Australian veteran employment agency. View more article by Tom Moore here.
FILE PHOTO: Third Year ADFA cadets celebrate graduation. Photo by Corporal Chris Moore.
