Delighted to welcome first advertiser to the CONTACT Patron Army

CONTACT has finally convinced an advertiser to join the CONTACT Patron Army!

It’s taken a while – about six months to be exact – but we finally did it.

Please welcome Global Guardians Volunteering as the first CONTACT Lieutenant Colonel in the CONTACT Patron Army.

Global Guardians Volunteering saw the light and enlisted as a CONTACT Lieutenant Colonel at US$75 a month – converting a ‘traditional’ advertisement that was already bringing in customers, to a package that included the same ad plus getting his company name and logo published on Our Patrons page plus a similar entry in CONTACT magazine – plus this mention here.

…all for about 30% lower cost than continuing to advertise as normal.

From our perspective, CONTACT gets monthly payments in advance instead of quarterly in arrears and billing is automatic (no invoicing or chasing up late payers).

So, Global Guardians Volunteering is happy – and so is CONTACT.

So why was it so hard for us to convince an advertiser to join up – and why aren’t they all doing it?

I fully appreciate that it looks a bit complicated and a bit daunting when you first look at our Patreon page – and the fact that it has to be billed in US dollars doesn’t help either (it’s done this way only because Patreon is a US company – definitely not because we favour receiving US$) .

Dustin Thompson from Global Guardians Volunteering says, “I can’t see why people are so hesitant to use that platform – it was super easy in my opinion and I’m not too fussed about being charged in US dollars either”.

It’s not nearly as complicated as it first seems – and it actually really does offer significant extra value to advertisers, for less money!

There are also valuable rewards and feel-good points for the lower ‘ranks’ too – those people who love what we do and just want to help us continue doing what we do.

I’ve even joined it myself as a sergeant at US$10/month, just to see how it works and to keep an eye on it from a Patron’s perspective.

Some join up just to add a little bit to the total, every hopeful – as we are – that if we hit our goals, we will get back to printing CONTACT on real, honest-to-goodness paper again.

Advertisers should join the CONTACT Patron Army because it really isn’t as daunting as it first looks – and really does deliver better value and more exposure across the CONTACT platforms than any other form of ‘traditional’ advertising.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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