Build a strong body – and mind – for the hard times

Being able to perform, whether within a sporting or tactical environment, you need to be both physically and mentally strong.

Stressful situations kicks our bodies into overdrive, relying on prior preparation and training.

Here are some tools we share with our members to build a strong mind and body for hard times.

Military training will take your body and mind to places no one else can, giving you the physical and mental fortitude to perform under pressure and stress.

We can share some tools to get you there a little quicker and to help you understand what’s happening mentally.

As for physicality, that’s what thee Frogman Project is all about. Building a body that is tough, mobile, strong and with a big engine.

But, at the end of the day, we can only put it all in front of you. How you use it is up to you.


Tools to increase mental and physical durability

Cold Water – Water, especially colder temperatures, eventually break down the tactical athlete. In saying this you can build your tolerance and mental endurance towards this by constant exposure, under various conditions. We recommend regular exposure to cold water, even integrating it within your training regime.

Problem solving while fatigued – Prolonged exercise is associated with neurochemical changes in the brain, primarily involving serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. Within our programming our members are exposed to training sessions where the aim is mental exhaustion, then straight into metal agility tasks.

Try this one –

Air dyne max calories in 60 sec
Rest 20 sec
Run max distance in 60 sec
Rest 20 sec
Row max calories in 60 sec
Rest 2 min
x 4 rounds

Then – straight after the fourth round, without resting, finish this string….

7 D in a W means 7 Days in a Week

52 W in a Y means ___________

12 M in a Y means ___________

60 S in a M means ___________

2 G on a R means ___________

64 S on a C B means __________

(if you don’t know the answers, ask us via the Frogman Project contacts page)


Difficult terrain while training –

There are times that one must take the path least travelled to find the way

This same statement is true when training the mind and body. Choosing the tougher route, running in the softer sand, swimming through the surf zone or even testing yourself with your unit’s timed run up a slight incline can give you the mental and physical edge.

Training with little sleep – Getting used to operating with little sleep is inevitable if one is to gain a place in ‘the brotherhood’. Preparation for this is simply to gain experience doing exactly that. Set an alarm nice and early, get up and go train. Get used to that voice in your head asking “what are you doing? I NEED SLEEP!” – Acknowledge and move on.

Pack marching and carrying awkward objects – These two effective training methods are demanding of the whole body and mind. There is no hiding from the load of the pack and the frustration of having to carry something that isn’t perfectly designed. Becoming familiar with the above will build a robust body and a durable mind.

Exposure to adverse weather whilst training The old saying, “You ain’t training unless it’s raining” can sometimes be true. The likelihood of us being tested in bad weather or while carrying out operations is very high. Becoming respectful of and having tolerance towards this situation is a necessary quality for the operator.

Visual performance – Seeing the outcome in one’s mind is a tool used by many successful elite’s. Going through in your mind how you feel and how you will respond to a certain situation is powerful. The importance of having a positive thought process when placed in adversity, for example – a military selection, recruit school, operations or even a sporting event, is a commonly used tool of the successful. If you haven’t already, you need to start applying this.


It’s working!

Building physical and mental fortitude takes time, Initially you may not notice any changes, but stay consistent and the mind and body will adapt to your new habits and mindset.

Previous tasks that were hard will start to seem normal or even enjoyable. Small goals will be achieved with your new outlook. You will be asking yourself questions like, “where is everybody else?” or “that was awesome! How come no one else is smiling?”.

Welcome to the grind for success!

As the champ Muhammad Ali said –

“I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count”

This is somewhat true when we are increasing our physical and mental tolerance in stressful situations.

Always remember there is someone out there working when you are not.

Train smart but train with a ferocious mindset willing to sufferer for that dream.



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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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