622 Sqn AAFC supports RSL Murray Bridge Dining-In Night
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No 622 Squadron, Australian Air Force Cadets, recently supported the RSL Murray Bridge Sub-Branch with their annual dining-in night at club rooms in Murray Bridge.
CAPTION: LCDT Jacob Lavery, CCPL Tegan Thomas, LCDT Robert Buscumb, Councillor Jerry Wilson, Adrian Pederick MP, Tony Pasin MP, Merv Schopp, RSL sub-branch President, Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Lemar, LCDT Brooke Hopper (obscured), CDT Gretel Lees, LCDT Seana Penny and CUO Samuel Mach.
This has been an annual event since 2010, and is part of the strong ongoing relationship between the local RSL and the Murray Bridge air force cadets.
This year saw a dedicated team come from duties at the Murray Bridge Show to help out their veteran community.
Commanding Officer No 622 Squadron Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Lemar said, “Our relationship is now at the strongest it has ever been”.
The dining-in night is a formal ceremony to foster camaraderie and esprit de corps within a unit, while heightening the enjoyment of a meal.

Today it is considered to be a military ceremony, dating back to 16th-century England, but its origins go as far back as the Roman Legions during the pre-Christian era.
On this occasion, the Cadets supported the sub-branch by performing the ‘March-in of the Colours’ ceremony, acting as food waiting staff and collecting the crockery during the course of the night.
Guests from around the region had a chance to talk to the Cadets and learn more about their local AAFC squadron.
Not only was this an opportunity to assist the RSL and build on their solid relationship, but it also introduced and reinforced the knowledge and skills required to hold a dining-in night, which will be of ongoing benefit to the squadron.
At the end of proceedings, RSL Murray Bridge Sub-Branch President Merv Schopp invited the Cadets forward to thank them and to have a photo opportunity with himself and invited guests.
These included Councillor Jerry Wilson representing the Rural City of Murray Bridge – which had just granted 622 Squadron Freedom of Entry (more to follow on this in due course).
No 622 Squadron is based at the Murray Bridge Multi-User Depot, and provides learning, leadership and development opportunities for youth from the Murraylands, mid-Murray, Mallee, Bremer and Strathalbyn regions.
The squadron parades on Friday nights during school terms, from 6.30 to 10 pm.
Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer, said “These bonds that the RSL and other ex-service organisations are now establishing with our Cadets will show their value in years to come, when these young Australians return as the new generation of veterans to continue the work these organisations do in perpetuating the memory of our fallen”.
Lest we Forget

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paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au