TWO MILLION visitors in 9 months

In publishing, numbers matter.

Advertisers rely on publisher numbers to decide where to spend their limited advertising dollars – and the publisher relies on the advertising dollars to survive and grow.

And, thanks to growing support from long-time advertisers as well as new ones, CONTACT is growing.

The numbers don’t lie.

I am delighted to announce today that CONTACT’s on-line numbers have already exceeded the corresponding numbers in key metrics, from all of last year!


Unique visitors per month

Unique visitors per month is the most important figure for any web site – and, as of yesterday, 30 September, CONTACT is tracking at 40,628 unique visitors per month – a massive increase on last year’s 26,770.


Number of pages visited

From 1 January to 30 September this year, 2,039,533 pages have been visited on the CONTACT web site, compared to 2,038,619 pages through all of last year.

That’s a monthly average of a whopping 226,615 pages visited per month this year, compared to 169,884 last year.



Cost per view

The pages visited figures are very important if you consider that web site advertisements are seen on every page of our web site.

Let’s say an advertiser pays $150 per month to rent a 300×300 pixel ad space, that’s less than .07 of a cent per view – or about 15 page views per cent – or 1500 page views per $1.


…actually – you know what – I don’t think I’m charging enough!


Notice of rate rise

CONTACT will increase its on-line advertising rates on 1 January 2018.

Any advertiser with an advertising campaign locked in at current rates before that date will stay on the old rates for as long as the advertising campaign remains in place.

But all new on-line advertising after 1 January 2018 will be subject to new rates (yet to be calculated).

Our current magazine advertising rates will not be affected, because we increased those on 1 January 2016.


I want to say a huge thank you to both our advertising supporters and our growing audience for your increasing support and encouragement. It is you who keep us going – and keep our ever-important statistics growing.

From our perspective, though, we also are acutely aware that this web site/magazine business is not just a simple numbers game. We absolutely know and understand that quality is far more important that the numbers. Without quality web site posts and a quality magazine, CONTACT’s statistics would be heading in the opposite direction.

So our promise to you the reader and to our advertisers is that we will continue to focus on quality production over numbers chasing.

Our focus in the future will be – as it has been over the past almost 14 years – to grow our audience legitimately, attracting new and returning visitors to our web site by offering more of what they want and like.

And to that end, we always welcome feedback to tell us what you like and what you don’t like – and why. You can do that via email or via any of the ‘comment’ opportunities on our web site or Facebook posts etc.



Brian Hartigan

0408 496 664








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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