Personnel test their cyber skills

More than 1000 competitors are expected to join this year’s ADF Cyber Skills Association’s (CSA) capstone Cyber Skills Challenge (CSC).
CAPTION: This year’s ADF Cyber Skills Association’s capstone Cyber Skills Challenge is expected to have more than 1000 competitors from November 20 to 24. Photo by Tim Standing.
In its seventh iteration, this year’s event, from November 20 to 24, will focus on operational technology.
Attacks against these systems can affect industrial equipment, including controls in transport networks and power grids.
Captain Calum Scott has been involved in the planning and is looking forward to attending as the CSA Army representative.
“This is a great event for getting people involved and excited about the cyber community, while creating awareness as to just how far work in this area has come,” Captain Scott said.
Conducted in a hybrid format, participants across Defence, industry and international partners will participate in Canberra and online. Two days will be spent on workshops covering contemporary issues before moving into a capture-the-flag tournament.
While tasks will be set to the highest industry-specific standards in a Defence context, the stepped-level event is designed to be accessible and fun, even to those new to the field.
RAAFs Corporal Eric Raikkonen, member of last year’s Defence Force School of Signals team that won the inaugural ‘best dressed’ award, said his first exposure to the CSC was eye-opening.
“Last CSC I found enjoyment in the learning process, having a go with the challenges, and watching the presentations on cyber security,” he said
“My team ranked at 56th, a good achievement for those of us that were newcomers to capture the flags.”
