1939–A war and its trials we did not seek
Can you recall far distant drumbeats of war
Hear echoes of weeping kin asking “what for?”
Constant fears and doubts in every town
Silent church bells, empty larders, yet smiles, never frowns
Air raid sirens, dark shelters, seeking courage from each other
Children asking why, as they capture comfort from mothers
Fear of visits by sad faced messengers knocking at the door
Loved ones wounded, missing or are no more?
Whatever religion or lack it, national unity was our iron core
Despite tears of pain, always was the strong faith for tomorrows
Of peace, prosperity and a way of life saved for those who follow
1945. Then as one we sought our tomorrows
Perhaps you arrived on Planet Earth after the guns went quite
When blissful peace reigned, and prosperous futures bright
Our proud flag flew high, and all as one, we sought tomorrow
Our history well known including mistakes and sorrow
Toil, sweat and tears, yet always as one, standing proud
A hydro scheme then oil and gas were news we shouted out loud
Student discipline, confidence and education mid world’s best
We welcomed record numbers of refugees and stood the test
Cars made in our land down under showed what could be done
All this and more, thanks to national vision, purpose, and all as one
Lessons soon forgotten and apathy reigns in our Space Age
Then false leaders grew lazy and slept and slept
The Devil preached ‘‘of buying cheap” as our dying factories wept
Borrowed foreign coin everywhere and deep debt became the norm
Foreign lands saw easy gold, and bleating two legged sheep were shorn
Today the gap between rich and the poor grows with each and every day
Our shame is a massive huge national debt for those who follow to pay
Thought Police prowl night and day, freezing truthful tongues
Apathy and deceit slowly destroy values, and our heroes are without guns
A new bible preaches diversity, yet shuns proven powers of unity
Deceit sprayed on all ages to create misty mirages that we are still free
Poor fella my country, when will the penny drop?
How pathetic and selfish in surrendering our nation’s sun drenched history
From rattling iron chains and the lash to a precious way of life so free
Today, lessons learnt in times of strife are neglected and slowly cast aside
Quickened by Canberra Suits intent on peering into mirrors with false pride
We are fast asleep in our lonely castle with wide open doors
Space age noisy brown shirts are bullying more and more
Political correctness slowly stealing nous and free mind from you and me
Orchestrated lawless mobs are destroying our way of life with impunity
They carry toxic flags of sly wokes, and hire evil thugs reborn
Can’t you sense the ANZACS fury growing with each passing dawn?
George Mansford
©May 2021
FILE IMAGE: Australian National Flag. Courtesy PM&C.
