It’s just a battered tea chest, with its’ secrets long secured
Within its tired and weathered frame, their future was ensured
It stood a silent guardian, against strangers’ hands and theft
Until finally placed back in the care, of the only sibling left
It lay hidden in a garden shed, long since out of view
The mystery of what was within, few people ever knew
Despite the trials of storm and age, the chest somehow survived
Waiting for that special day, its history would be revived
For seventy years it stood guard, like some loyal sentinel
If this box could ever talk, the stories it could tell
Though special ones had some thoughts, on what had been concealed
Now she’s the sole survivor, all can be revealed
A pay book and some dog tags and photos of her dad
Chapters of the distant past and the happy life they’d had
Faded yellow clippings, tell of victories won
By a soldier and a sportsman, a proud Australian son
Others tell the tragedy, when up the back of Scone
He was thrown from his favourite mount and died out there alone
Memories of her sister Pat, taken before her time
Who now sleeps near her hero dad, both cut down in their prime
Her picture as a dark haired child, with a joey kangaroo
And her father on his steed, way out on Tinagroo
Her life as chapters locked away, protected without fault
Defying all the seasons, as firm as any vault
Children’s cups and saucers and gifts her granny gave
The many joys and sadness, she will carry to her grave
For the tears are welling in her eyes, as the past and present blend
For each is fondly welcomed, like it was an old friend
Now that little girl’s a mother, and with grandkids of her own
And that soldier in the photograph, would be proud of how she’s grown
For all those priceless treasures, in pride of place they rest
No longer to be gathering dust, in an old tea chest.
By Tomas ‘Paddy’ Hamilton
21 November 2013
FILE PHOTO: Members of the Australian medical contingent carry trunks to the Landing Zone at Camp Bradman for backloading to Islamabad, during Operation Pakistan Assist in 2006. Photo by Corporal Damian Shovell.
