New horizons for inspired young sailors

When HMA Ships Adelaide and Anzac pulled away from the wharf to begin their roles in Indo-Pacific Endeavour 2022 (IPE22), they took with them a lot of relatively young crew members, who were eager to explore the world.

CAPTION: Seaman Boatswains Mate Kelsey Buchanan stands at the 12.7mm machine gun on board HMAS Anzac. Story by Lieutenant Amy Johnson. Photo by Leading Seaman Jarryd Capper.

Complemented and mentored by their senior sailors and experienced officers, Navy’s newest sailors were supported as they joined the tight-knit family of those who experience a life at sea.

Commanding Officer Adelaide Captain Troy Duggan said many of the junior sailors and officers in his crew were looking forward to exploring the region.

“I think many have never stepped ashore in a foreign country. They are juniors and joined in a time when COVID-19 was rife,” Captain Duggan said.

“They hadn’t had a chance to travel overseas. So, there was a lot of excitement about IPE opportunities and activities.”

For Adelaide crew member Seaman Jasper Gilpin and Anzac crew member Seaman Kelsey Buchanan, IPE22 was their first major time abroad.

“I joined the Navy because I wanted to travel the world, and that’s what I did on IPE22,” Seaman Gilpin said.

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CAPTION: Seaman Maritime Logistics Support Operations Jasper Gilpin in the officer’s dining room on board HMAS Adelaide. Photo by Leading Seaman Sittichai Sakonpoonpol.

Seaman Buchanan echoed his comments and said she enjoyed the port visits.

“A highlight for me was our trip to India. It’s somewhere I never would have travelled to on my own,” Seaman Buchanan said.

“The culture was eye-opening and we got to do some important work there with the community.”

Both sailors were inspired by their parents’ service. Seaman Gilpin’s parents were stewards and Seaman Buchanan’s father was a stoker with 15 years’ service.

They grew up hearing stories about travel and adventure, which kick-started their interest in a maritime career.

“My parents always spun ‘war stories’ about travelling the world and meeting people. It made the Navy sound like a fun job,” Seaman Gilpin said.

Seaman Buchanan said her dad would tell her about the life experience he gained travelling with the Navy.

“He’s really proud of me following in his footsteps,” she said.





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