Ceremony held to farewell members at Puckapunyal

Defence members posting from Puckapunyal have been farewelled from country.

CAPTION: Defence members posting from Puckapunyal take part in a farewell from country smoking ceremony. Story by Major Carrie Robards. Photo by Kerry Ferrari.

A farewell smoking ceremony was conducted at a yarning circle that was open to soldiers, Defence civilians and contractors who are leaving the area at the end of the year.

The ceremony was led by local elder Aunty Joanne, of the Taungurung Land and Waters Council, to offer protection and health to the people during their upcoming travel

Puckapunyal’s formation Indigenous liaison officer, Major Peta Langbehn, said the local mob had a special connection to the land and the military community.

“The Defence community here has a fantastic relationship with the Taungurung community who are the traditional custodians of the land in which we train, live and work,” Major Langbehn said.

“We are very appreciative of their ongoing support, and we value the very positive mutual relationship that has developed over the past years.”

The ceremony was attended by members of the Army School of Transport, Headquarters Combined Arms Training Centre, School of Armour, the Army Knowledge Centre, State Estate Group’s base management team and Ventia.





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