Like father, like daughter

With a career in logistics management spanning more than 40 years, Squadron Leader Anthony Gesualdi said he was proud to see his daughter follow in his footsteps.

CAPTION: Squadron Leader Anthony Gesualdi, from the Surveillance and Response Systems Program Office at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia, wearing his Federation Star awarded for 40 years’ service. Story by Leading Aircraftwoman Jasna McFeeters. Photo by Corporal Brenton Kwaterski.

Squadron Leader Gesualdi was born in the UK and immigrated to Adelaide at the age of 16.

A couple of years later, he enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force as a supply clerk and worked his way up to the rank of warrant officer.

Looking for his next challenge, Squadron Leader Gesualdi commissioned as a flight lieutenant in 2009, which presented him with the opportunity to participate in deployments involving a wide range of international Defence forces.

“Posting to the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base Butterworth gave my family opportunities to meet people from different walks of life and these experiences became a pivotal point to inspiring my daughter to follow in my footsteps when she decided to enlist in the Air Force last year in supply,” Squadron Leader Gesualdi said.

“Deploying with Operation Accordion in the Middle East region as Joint Logistics Command liaison officer was a career highlight, enabling me to oversee the international logistics contracts, postal service and the supply chain across the Middle East region.

“The Air Force provided my family with financial security and provided me the opportunity to undertake tertiary studies funded by Defence.

“Subsequently, I have successfully completed a Masters in Vocational Education and Training.

“I have made so many friends from all parts of Australia, which would be a challenge working from other industries.”

Aircraftwoman Lisa Gesualdi said she was proud of her dad and his accomplishments.

“Growing up, I got to see all the cool things he was able to see and it definitely inspired me to join,” said Aircraftwoman Gesualdi, who is posted to No. 1 Squadron.

Squadron Leader Gesualdi is retiring from the permanent Air Force at the end of next year, however, he will still be part of the active reserves.

He said he looked forward to settling down in Adelaide.





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