2 Squadron SASR must be reinstated

Along with so many others, I will never understand the decision by Canberra to remove 2 Squadron SASR from the order of battle.
More so, before any confirmation of guilt or otherwise.
Now, there has been 12-13 more troopers from the accused who have been reinstated, while the remaining few still are yet to be judged.
One sound quality of leadership is to accept responsibility for poor decisions and learn from them.
It follows that 2 Squadron SASR must be returned to the order of battle, as quickly, if not quicker, than the disgraceful decision to unfairly cast such a loyal and battle-proven unit into obscurity.
Prime Minister, this whole entire episode, embracing all ranks, must be dismissed this very day and the tumbril destroyed for ever and a day.
George Mansford

Where is the precedent in disbanding a Squadron of our fighting force for the assumption that a few amongst them had done wrong? From my own position on this and having read and listened to every piece of information made evadable to the media, and public, the warrant for such a move is with out doubt a total knee jerk reaction of an over reactive knee jerk.
Yes, condemn the Guilty!! Strike their names from the Rolls of the Squadron, and the Rolls of Honour. But NOT until
there has been a proper and truthful investigation along with a water tight conviction. Regardless of what the rumours are or what Billy said to Wally, there is still and always will be a presumption of Innocence until proven to be guilty. Having witnessed one who was condemned to life in gaol for a murder on what appeared to be sound and water tight evidence, only to have it over turned on appeal by a visiting Judge from another State of Australia as a witness for the defendant. I am now beyond doubt that Innocence must prevail until guilty is proven beyond all reasonable doubt.
2SQN SASR must be retuned to the Order of Battle.. 650 can NOT be condemned for the action of ONE
I concur wholeheartedly with George Mansford and Spent Cartridge. A disgraceful and cowardly act.
This act of cowardice and utter disloyalty to his subordinates by the sycophantic Chief of Defence must be reversed.
Great to hear from “Jungles” George Mansford again – a great soldier and officer – maybe some of our politicians could learn a few things from him, about leadership, about loyalty, and about reliability. Certainly the current crop of pollies (males and females) need a few obligatory lessons in tactics and strategy from the outstanding man.
Dear George,
You are dead right; However, work from the top down mate. Remember SH#T rolls downhill!
The Governor-General of Australia is the Queen’s representative. In practice, they are Australia’s Head of State and have a range of constitutional and ceremonial duties. The Governor-General is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force.
The above I cut/paste from https://www.gg.gov.au/about-governor-general/role-governor-general
No doubt it will be taken down soon.
See how this all works. The bureaucracy or sleigh of hand. This is what is against us all. The GG can overturn it all, Hell he can sack the PM, look at Gough Whitlam. But why rock the boat when your in it ! How long has Hurley got left? The facts are a unit was stood down during an ACTIVE CONFLICT! Dealing a blow to the MORALE of the ARMY. Was this person in bed with the enemy? Chief of Army LTGEN Rick Burr, I’m curious as to how many times this has happened in Australian history? I know that it occurred in WW1. Infantry Battalions disbanded due to poor reinforcement levels and being smashed in the costly game called ATTRITION, that is understandable. But disbanding a Squadron of our Elite Troops over a few APPARENT War Crimes? Was there a PRECEDENCE that we are unaware of? Someone needs to be charged with TREASON. What every happened to ACCOUNTABILITY? I must apologize. I have now found my voice and try to be BETTER, not bitter the latter came from serving within the ARMY.
Yours Sincerely
Spent Cartridge
Army Veteran