Taking time to improve teamwork, motivation

The orderly room team at Air Force’s No. 36 Squadron has introduced some novel approaches to improving their workplace, with positive results.

CAPTION: Personnel from No. 36 Squadron’s orderly room, from left, Leading Aircraftwomen Jarla Pyle, Pinar Girca, Abbey Patterson and Corporal Cass Williamson at RAAF Base Amberley. Photo by Corporal Brett Sherriff.

The team is sharing those initiatives in the lead-up to International Women’s Day on March 8, with the theme Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.

The personnel capability specialists in the orderly room make time throughout their work day to do something they find mentally rewarding.

Corporal Jessica Angus said that ensured a cohesive team environment.

“We are encouraged to focus on tasks that we enjoy and have become a more harmonious and productive team,” Corporal Angus said.

“If we are passionate and find a solution to a problem, or a better way of working, there’s nothing stopping us from adjusting the process.”

Following No. 36 Squadron’s Mental Health Safety Day late last year, the team also has introduced self-care Thursday where each member spends an hour doing something they find rewarding.

“For some, this is an hour of exercise, baking, spending time with their pets, reading – whatever you need to do to get your mind right,” Corporal Angus said.

“It is a proven success as everyone presents to work refreshed for that last push of the week.

“Motivation has soared resulting in quality products being developed and released to assist other squadrons and groups across Air Force.”

CAPTION: Personnel from No. 36 Squadron orderly room Leading Aircraftwomen Cheryl Rider, left, and Lee Moniz and Corporal Jess Angus, in the squadron’s headquarters building at RAAF Base Amberley. Photo by Brett Sherriff.

Leading Aircraftwoman Jarla Pyle said the team also held career management working groups on a regular basis.

“We also have a process optimisation team and concentrate on our quality of work and output, not the time spent at our desks.”

Over the past 12 months, five members from the orderly room deployed on either Operation COVID-19 Assist or to the Middle East on Operation Accordion, which further empowered other personnel capability specialists to take on new challenges and responsibilities.

Leading Aircraftwoman Izabella Mytkowski said the process optimisation team she was part of had renovated, optimised and automated No. 36 Squadron’s business processes by fostering creativity and innovation, allowing the section to complete critical governance tasks in a sustainable manner.

“The work we do represents the additional capacity of our diversely skilled members where we are able to provide the squadron with an accessible resource to help create time and money savings, leading to optimal business results,” she said.





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