Soldiers Above

Hi Team,

I wrote this poem in 1994 whilst in training with 2 Commando Company.

It was lost for more than a decade when I found the original notes inside an old pair of socks, inside my old pack – bit of a story behind that too [which we’d love to hear – Ed].

The photo was taken of me at Puckapunyal 1994 on my recruit course.

Hope you like the poem and want to share it with your readers.



Many thanks

Cameron Douglas

Digger Tactical
0419 119 613
Po Box 11228,
Frankston Centre
Victoria 3199
Victorian Licensed Firearm Dealer
# 400-302-90F





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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