Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal new Chair

Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal will get a new chairman after the incumbent served the maximum time allowed in the position.

After reaching the maximum tenure as Chair of the Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal, Mark Sullivan will hand over the reins to Stephen Skehill.

Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester said Mr Skehill was well-qualified for the role, being a former Secretary of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department and the inaugural Principal Member of the Veterans’ Review Board.

“I congratulate Mr Skehill on his appointment and know that his experience as an administrative lawyer, as well as his wealth of public and private sector experience will be of great benefit to the Tribunal,” Mr Chester said.

Mr Skehill will take over from Mark Sullivan, who served as Chair of the Tribunal since 2014, reaching the maximum allowed tenure in November 2020.

“I would like to acknowledge the diligent and considerate approach taken by the Tribunal under Mr Sullivan’s leadership,” Mr Chester said.

“During this time the Tribunal resolved a number of longstanding and complex issues relating to collective and individual service from the Second World War to contemporary operations [most notably, the unanimous recommendation of the awarding of the Victoria Cross to Able Seaman Teddy Sheehan].

“I wish Mr Sullivan all the best in whatever he chooses to pursue next, and again congratulate Mr Skehill on his appointment.”

The Defence Honours and Awards Appeals Tribunal is an independent statutory body established to consider Defence honours and awards matters.

More information is available online.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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