SCOMO officially opens MILVEHCOE

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo) officially opened Rheinmetall Defence Australia’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence (MILVEHCOE) in Redbank, Queensland, on Sunday.

CAPTION: Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicle at the Rheinmetall Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence (MILVEHCOE) in Ipswich, Queensland. Photo from the PM’s Facebook page.

He said the new defence-industry facility was part of the Economic Recovery Plan to create jobs as the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic [despite sod turning on the facility happening almost two years ago and construction completed before the pandemic came to Australia].

“This Queensland centre will be where some of the most advanced armoured vehicles in the world will be produced, by Australian workers.

“The MILVEHCOE will create more than 450 long-term jobs and become a national asset for military vehicles.”

The Prime Minister also congratulated Rheinmetall Defence Australia for securing work to export at least 30 Lance turrets from MILVEHCOE to Hungary.

“This is a significant export order, and a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to supporting Australian defence industry to achieve export success,” Mr Morrison said.

“We make things in Australia. We do it well. And this is an example of how we are continuing to make things in Australia.”

The rest/majority of the PM’s press release was about last week’s budget and other self-promoting stuff not related to the opening, so we deleted it.

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said the vehicles from MILVEHCOE represent a new level of capability for the Army.

“As outlined in the 2020 Force Structure Plan [and the decade-old LAND 400 Phase 2 project outline], the Boxer will provide enhanced mobility, firepower, protection and situational awareness to our troops,” Minister Reynolds said.

“They will allow our Australian Defence Force personnel to rapidly deploy, achieve their missions and, importantly, return home safely.

“I join the Prime Minister in congratulating Rheinmetall Defence Australia on securing new export opportunities.”

Rheinmetall will use the MILVEHCOE facility to build and assemble the majority of Boxer combat reconnaissance vehicles, which are being delivered to the Australian Army under the $5 billion LAND 400 Phase 2 project.

The facility will also be used to conduct integration, support and heavy-grade repair for the logistics trucks and modules being delivered under the LAND 121 Phase 3B and 5B projects.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “SCOMO officially opens MILVEHCOE

  • 20/10/2020 at 8:51 am

    Great idea Lav 25.

    Totally agree. Especially given the sunk cost. Just using them as mobile pill boxes and communications hubs in low level conflict or for home defense. Not many people are carrying around RPGs in their back pocket even in guerilla warfare.

  • 18/10/2020 at 12:55 pm

    We still need to ask as to why Australians are paying more than other countries for the same product…for that price we should be getting twice as much…also I would call on the powers that be to not turn lavs coming out of service into concrete filled museum pieces or targets but place them into war stocks or for use by Army Reserve units.There is a major argument reference upkeep, lack of survivorbility on a modern battle field granted but…. in time of crisis, LAV’s patrolling airport perimeters, stationary as vital asset protection for example front gate of an Army base may suit the bill.
    I’ve spoken to alot a troops retired whom would be happy to man them if tbe proverbial hit the fan.

    • 18/10/2020 at 2:22 pm

      Hi Paul. When other countries report how much they paid for similar vehicles, they only report on the vehicle purchase. In other words, if they say they bought 100 vehicles for $100million, then simple math says they the vehicles cost $1million each. In Australia, on the other hand, the ADF reports total project cost. So the same 100 vehicles are likely to be reported at a project cost of $400million. The extra money is for new compounds, new concrete yards, new sheds, new repair facilities, multiple complete tool kits, spare parts (including engines) etc etc – even simulators and training are usually included. It’s the total cost of acquiring a whole new capability – not just the vehicles. Other countries report all the other extras in extra contracts, which, if you could even track them all down and add them together, you’d probably end up with the same total – or possibly even more, because they didn’t get a saving through package deals.

    • 18/10/2020 at 7:47 pm

      Great idea to retain the LAV25’s as Reserve vehicles and for war stocks.
      They are a superceded model for front line service but would still perform well in a wide range of other roles.
      Yes, there is a cost involved but this could surely be ‘managed’.


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