RAAF EA-18G Growlers to get even better capabilities

Australia has expanded its partnership with the United States to develop the next-generation jammer system for the EA-18G Growler.

FILE PHOTO (July 2019): A Royal Australian Air Force EA-18G Growler. Photo by Chief Petty Officer Cameron Martin.

Talking about it in the current tense [which belies the future-tense news], Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said this unique, high-end capability can disrupt, deceive or deny a broad range of military electronic systems, including radars and communications.

“Australia entered an initial agreement in October 2017 to work with the US Navy to develop the next-generation jammer, which will supersede the current system,” Minister Reynolds said.

“We’ve now signed two new agreements to expand this partnership.

“The first includes production, sustainment and follow-on development of the ALQ-249(V)1 next-generation jammer – mid band, which supports the introduction of advanced electronic jamming technology, and will ensure Australia’s Growler aircraft retain commonality with their US counterparts.

“The second agreement enables the development of the next variant, the next-generation jammer – low band.

“These systems will augment, and ultimately replace, most legacy ALQ-99 tactical jamming systems currently used on the Growler.”

Senator Reynolds said the next-generation jammer – low band would counter low-frequency adversary systems, increasing survivability and lethality of 4th and 5th generation platforms and enable all-domain access for the joint force by supporting electromagnetic-spectrum dominance.

“This is a rapidly evolving area and, to ensure these aircraft remain at the technological forefront throughout their service life, we will continue to work in partnership with the US Navy to develop the next generation jamming capability,” Minister Reynolds said.

“The expansion of the jammer partnership will build on Australia’s strong and long-standing relationship with the US Navy, giving Australia access to cutting-edge technologies.”









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “RAAF EA-18G Growlers to get even better capabilities

  • 24/08/2020 at 5:14 pm

    Another great step forward for the RAAF which is now becoming a highly lethal and capable force in the air; arguably the most capable worldwide for a nation our size.
    Just need to get into the US B-21 Raider program; two squadrons of the B-21 would see the F-111 Strategic Strike capability fully restored! Plus the additional asset of stealth!


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