Defence now has nine COVID-19 cases

Defence updated its COVID-19 page at 5pm today to add another two COVID-19 cases (apparently in Sydney), bringing the total to nine.
Map markings indicate six of Defence’s cases are concentrated in Sydney, with one case in each of Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide.
No other details are offered, and no other changes have been made Defence’s long-standing information page…
Defence is following whole-of-government guidance from the Department of Health in relation to COVID-19.
As Defence continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation, our priority is the health and wellbeing of personnel.
Each and every one of us can take steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
It is important to remember that for the vast majority of people, the illness will be mild or moderate and individuals will make a full recovery.
Preventative measures
To address the risk of COVID-19 infection within Defence and the general community, all Australian Defence Force (ADF), Defence Australian Public Servants (APS) and contractors working in Defence establishments who present with cold/flu like symptoms must remove themselves from the workplace and notify their supervisor/Chain of Command.
It is important for the protection of others that personnel phone ahead of presentation to any health facility. In some cases, advice may be provided over the phone without the need to attend in person. Testing is only required in specific circumstances and will be arranged in accordance with Department of Health guidelines.
Personnel can return to work when they are symptom-free unless otherwise directed by their health care provider or a public health unit.
How to report
ADF and eligible foreign military members should speak with the Defence Health Centre via phone or by contacting 1800 IMSICK (1800 467 425) for advice on whether further assessment is required.
On contacting 1800 IMSICK, they may be transferred to 1800 DEFENCE (1800 333 362) to help Defence implement preventive measures and monitor the impact on operations.
APS and contractors should seek care through their usual health care provider and contact 1800 DEFENCE to help Defence implement preventive measures and monitor the impact on operations.
For more information on what to do in the event you or a member of your family have come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, what a diagnosis means for you and/or your family, and what to do in self-isolation, please refer to information on COVID-19 provided by the Department of Health or your State or Territory health authority.
Defence is working in partnership with other Commonwealth agencies as part of a whole-of-government approach and response. This includes decisions on travel and planned events or activities. Before undertaking any business or personal travel, Defence members must refer to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Smartraveller website. This website reflects the most up-to-date information about international travel.
Personnel deployed overseas
ADF members returning from operations and exercises abroad are subject to all quarantine and protective measures as directed by the Australian Border Force and the Department of Health.
ADF members overseas are directed to follow protective measures outlined in the Department of Health guidelines and comply with screening and quarantine measures of the relevant host nation.
Defence continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation in Australia and around the globe, and continues to assess the risk to its operations and exercises.
Defence has established a COVID-19 taskforce led by Lieutenant General John Frewen DSC AM. Lieutenant General Frewen is working offline from his role as Principal Deputy Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate for the duration of his appointment to the taskforce.
The taskforce has been established to ensure departmental resilience and ensure that we are well prepared to continue business in light of COVID-19.
The taskforce will also be coordinating Defence’s contributions to support whole-of-government action to address the impacts of COVID-19.
The taskforce includes representatives from the APS and the ADF.
Defence assistance to date
Defence has provided a range of logistical and personnel support including but not limited to:
- supporting repatriations to Christmas Island and Howard Springs via RAAF bases Learmonth and Darwin;
- providing health, logistics and movements support to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Border Force (ABF) repatriation and care of Australian nationals;
- supporting the Emergency Management Australia-led (EMA) Whole-of-Government planning for the National Communicable Disease Incidence of National Significance Plan in response to COVID-19;
- supporting the Department of Health with logistics and by providing specialist staff; and
- providing a small team of highly qualified engineering maintenance specialists to a surgical face mask factory until supplementary civilian workers can be recruited.
Defence is also developing options to provide ongoing support to Commonwealth and other State/Territory agencies to work in accordance with priorities set by the EMA’s National Coordination Mechanism.
Defence will continue to follow the advice of Australian health authorities.
Support for domestic production
The ADF is temporarily assisting Australia’s only manufacturer of surgical face masks to help satisfy an increase in demand as national stocks of the masks are built up in preparation for COVID-19.
This assistance will allow Med-Con Pty Ltd, a small manufacturer in regional Victoria, to increase production while it recruits more staff.
A small team of highly qualified engineering maintenance specialists are working with the company’s existing staff on production, maintenance and warehousing tasks until the roles can be filled.
The Australian Government, like other governments around the world, is adjusting a range of plans and commitments as it works to contribute to the whole-of-government response to the coronavirus.
In line with the advice of the Chief Medical Officer and Australian Government, Defence is currently reconsidering the status of its upcoming events to ensure the safety of personnel involved.
Childcare centres are prepared for COVID-19
The Defence childcare provider, One Tree Community Services, is monitoring requirements to support families and staff as the COVID-19 outbreak progresses. To help reduce transmission, they have increased focus on children’s hygiene such as hand-washing and have implemented heightened cleaning procedures.
Consistent with the Department of Health guidelines, the One Tree exclusion policy means that any child or staff member who is unwell will be sent home. They are also required to inform the Department of Education of any childcare families being tested for COVID-19 for reporting purposes.
Families are asked to support Defence childcare centres in protecting the health and wellbeing of all children and staff. If you have concerns, contact your centre or call the all-hours Defence Family Helpline on 1800 624 608.
Information for families
While most people are not expected to experience severe illness, some ADF families may be concerned about the global outbreak of COVID-19.
Defence is working to ensure personnel are well-supported and is taking preventative measures, including training and access to medical support and leave.
If you or someone in your family is unwell, talk to your doctor and follow their advice, or contact our all-hours Defence Family Helpline.
The Defence Community Organisation (DCO) is providing information, support and links to resources to assist ADF members and families.
DCO will support the ADF community in managing and responding to COVID-19, including 24-hour access to the Defence Family Helpline, which is staffed by qualified human service staff who can provide immediate emotional support, explore options of support and link in to Defence and other community support.
DCO can be contacted 24 hours a day on 1800 624 608, or by visiting its website.
Home isolation, quarantine periods and/or the spread of COVID-19 can be a stressful experience. Your family doctor can refer you to the most appropriate support services in your area, including mental health services.
Quarantine and isolation
The words ‘quarantine’ and ‘isolation’ are commonly used in relation to COVID-19. While they are used interchangeably, they have different meanings.
Quarantine is the isolation of well people who may have been exposed to an infection.
Isolation is when someone who is sick is kept apart from people who are well.
More information can be found on the Department of Health website.
Information for Defence industry
Defence is monitoring possible impact of COVID-19 on industry and the supply chains that support ADF capability.
Contractors are advised to seek care through their usual health care provider and to call 1800 DEFENCE (1800 333 362) to help Defence implement preventative measures and monitor potential impacts on operations.
Additional resources
The Australian Government has established a new website that contains all health and non-health information about COVID-19 and the national response to the pandemic.
The coronavirus health information line (1800 020 080) provides accurate information on the coronavirus.
The Healthdirect hotline (1800 022 222) provides access to a registered nurse if you have any health concerns.
