ANZAC Day mailout to teach younger generations

Starting this week, thousands of schools, libraries, ex-service and other organisations will receive a package of educational resources in an Anzac Day mail-out to educate Australians about the different aspects of wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said Anzac Day was one of the most important commemorative dates in the Australian calendar, and that it provided an important opportunity to educate a range of audiences about the different aspects of wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

“This year the Anzac Day mail-out contains posters acknowledging the important contribution of Australian service nurses who have cared for our military casualties overseas and at home for more than a century,” Mr Chester said.

“While the wars, conflicts and peace operations in which Australians have served have varied greatly, the care and attention provided by our nurses has remained exceptional.

“A Wartime Snapshot complements the posters and shares the history of Australian military nursing since its formation in 1899.”

The mail-out also includes: Reflections: Capturing Veterans Stories—a publication that guides teachers and students on taking oral history interviews with members of the veteran community, We remember Anzac—a valuable resource for teaching students about the significance of Anzac Day, Memories and Memorabilia—aimed at raising community awareness about preserving artefacts and memorabilia, and flyers for both the updated Anzac Portal and Anzac 360 App.

“A priority with these resources is reaching audiences, particularly students, in a format that best meets their needs and the Anzac 360 App does just that with an interactive and immersive experience,” Mr Chester said.

“Using 360-degree aerial and ground footage from the present day with period imagery, graphics and historical content, it allows people to experience sites along the Australian Remembrance Trail in France and Belgium in their lounge room or classroom,” Mr Chester said.

“I encourage all Australians to download the app, free from the App Store or Google Play, view the videos, and learn more about the Australian Remembrance Trail and what Australian troops experienced on the Western Front.”

The mail-out also promotes the 2019 Anzac Day Schools Awards, which close on 24 May 2019.

Digital copies of the contents of the mail-out can be accessed at


The app is free to download from the App Store or Google Play – search Anzac 360.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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