CDF sends bears back to school

Private Ernest Harvey and Nurse Bernadette O’Meara are on their way to Lonsdale Point Primary School in Victoria, where they will be sharing their stories of service with young students eager to learn about Australia’s Anzac heritage.

CAPTIONA message from an Australian primary school happy to receive a Bears to Schools Nurse Bernadette O’Meara bear to help them understand the ANZAC story.

These two special bears were recently donated by Chief of Defence Force General Angus Campbell, who called the Bears to School campaign “an engaging way to learn about the Australian experience during the First World War”.

“I am pleased to lend my support to this important community-based initiative, to honour Australia’s history and support former-serving personnel by raising money for veterans’ charities,” he said.

General Campbell called on all Australians to donate a bear as part personal commitment to the spirit of Anzac during the Centenary of Armistice.

More than 600 bears have donated to almost 400 schools across Australia.

With your help, Bears to School could ensure that every primary school has its own special link to history.

Keith Payne VC is the enthusiastic National Ambassador for Bears to School.

“I am proud to be part of an initiative that supports Australians in so many ways – supporting teachers and children in our primary schools, supporting ex-service men and women, and supporting the preservation of our Anzac heritage,” Mr Payne said.

Visit the Anzac Bear website for more details on this program.









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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