Grants for ex-service organisations

More than $138,000 in funding will be shared among national ex-service organisations to assist them in improving their service delivery to veterans.

FILE PHOTO (April 2012): An Army Catafalque Party member rests on arms reversed as a Navy bugler salutes during an Anzac Day dawn service at Monument Hill, Fremantle, Western Australia. ADF photo.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester said he was pleased to announce the funding through the Grants-in-Aid program.

“The work of these organisations is invaluable and benefits many, by investing in them it is another way that we can say ‘thank you for your service’ to our veterans and the organisations that support them,” Mr Chester said.

Ex-service organisations throughout Australia receiving funding under this program provide various type of assistance to veterans.

“I would like to thank these organisations who tirelessly provide the essential support to veterans and their families,” Mr Chester said.

Applications for the next round of grants will opened in February 2019.

More information on the program is available through the Community Grants Hub.



GRANTS-IN-AID 2018-2019 Funding Round 20

Recipient Location Electorate Funding description Amount $

(GST Exc)

The Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex‑Servicemen and Women Limited Chisholm Canberra To assist with the costs associated with the Director’s General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting. $9,090.91
Regular Defence Force Welfare Association Incorporated Duntroon Canberra To assist with the costs in co-ordinating and planning representational activities. $9,045.45
War Widows’ Guild of Australia Weston Canberra To assist with travel to conduct representational activities. $9,090.91
The Naval Association of Australia Melba Fenner To assist with travel and accommodation to conduct representational activities. $10,000.00
Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia Incorporated Page Fenner To assist with travel to conduct representational activities. $10,000.00
Total Grants – Australian Capital Territory: 5 Total     $47,227.27


Recipient Location Electorate Funding description Amount $

(GST Exc)

National Servicemen’s Association of Australia Incorporated Long Jetty Dobell To assist with a National Council and State Delegates meeting in Canberra. $8,666.36
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Incorporated Minto Macarthur To assist with travel and accommodation to conduct representational activities. $9,090.91
The Partners of Veterans Association of Australia Incorporated Belmont Shortland To assist with the costs of representation at the National Annual General Meeting held in Canberra. $9,090.91
Legacy Australia Incorporated Darlinghurst Sydney To assist with travel and accommodation to conduct representational activities. $9,090.91
Total Grants – New South Wales: 4 Total       $35,939.09




Recipient Location Electorate Funding description Amount $

(GST Exc)

Australian Veterans and Defence Services Council Incorporated New Farm Brisbane To assist with travel and accommodation to conduct representational activities. $9,500.00
Mates4Mates Limited Milton Brisbane To assist with travel for planning activities. $7,928.94
The Royal Australian Armoured Corps Corporation Limited Brisbane Brisbane To assist with travel to conduct representational activities. $10,000.00
The Royal Australian Regiment Corporation McDowall Lilley To assist with the costs in attending National Meetings including the Annual General Meeting. $10,000.00
Total Grants – Queensland: 4 Total       $37,428.94


Recipient Location Electorate Funding description Amount $

(GST Exc)

Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans Association Incorporated Boronia Aston To assist with travel and accommodation for Annual General Meeting and National Conference. $9,090.91
Total Grants – Victoria: 1 Total         $9,090.91


Recipient Location Electorate Funding description Amount $

(GST Exc)

Australian Special Air Service Association Incorporated Swanbourne Curtin To assist with travel and accommodation to attend the Annual General Meeting in Perth. $10,000.00
Total Grants – Western Australia: 1 Total         $10,000.00





  Number of Grants Total
ACT 5 $47,227.27
NSW 4 $35,939.09
QLD 4 $37,428.94
VIC 1 $9,090.91
WA 1 $10,000.00
Totals 15 $139,686.21









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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