AWE2018 ticket giveaway

If you don’t know that CONTACT is an Official Media Partner to the Australian Warrior Expo, then you must have been living under a rock (out bush, perhaps) for the past several months.

As Official Media Partner to AWE2018, all CONTACT (2) staff will certainly be attending. And, of course, we would love to meet heaps of our fans there for a chat or even a more serious confab – even a chest-poking, if you think we deserve it.

Are you going, or are you still sitting on the fence about whether you will or you won’t? [If not, WHY NOT?]

Maybe you need just a little incentive?

How about a ticket-giveaway competition?

It just so happens, CONTACT has five Gold Tickets (worth every penny of $49 each) and 10 Standard Tickets ($29 each) to give away.

The Gold Tickets are rare as hens’ teeth (if hens had 300 teeth) and entitle the bearer to unlimited entry to the Expo and the AWE Store over all three days + a showbag with discounts and special offers + a limited-edition and pretty dang cool AWE2018 t-shirt.

The standard tickets entitle the holder to unlimited entry to the Expo and the AWE Store over all three days.

Plus, of course, you also get to meet the editor of your favorite military magazine (who will by then be up to his nuts in the guts of a new grand plan yet to be announced (see my editorial in CONTACT magazine on 1 September)).

For the purposes of this competition, please don’t enter if you are not available to attend AWE2018 (just so we don’t waste these valuable tickets).

But, if you are available to attend, I’d really love to meet you.

To win a ticket, here’s what I’d like you to do…

Tell me in 25 words or less – what would be the number one question you’d like to ask me when we meet face-to-face at AWE2018, and why?

The best 15 answers (as judged by me (and maybe Mrs CONTACT, if I need help)) will win one ticket each. (Don’t forget, we’re both Irish and like a bit of humour – though, in this case serious questions will actually be weighted higher – but not as high as serious questions asked humourously – if you get my drift).

Send entries to by 7 September. I’ll announce the winners in my newsletter on 9 September.

BTW – if you don’t win one of my tickets – or you have no faith that you ever win anything – or if you really really don’t want to miss out on a rare-as-hens-with-300-teeth-teeth Gold Ticket, you can buy them here.

AND – in case you were wondering (because I have actually seen some ‘fake-news’ on Facebook), unlike those other shows (such as Land Warfare next month, which I’ll be attending because I can, but ‘Joe Public’ can’t), Australian Warrior Expo IS open to anyone who buys (or wins) a ticket – with only a few minor rules and restrictions (like, if you’re a certified axe murderer or something you probably won’t be let in (and there will be a registration process on the AWE2018-organisers’ end where you’ll have to prove that you not 😉 ).









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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

3 thoughts on “AWE2018 ticket giveaway

  • 26/08/2018 at 10:53 am

    I’m going to break the rules and put my answer here! The one question I would ask you is where do you get the motivation to do Contact Magazine, is it monetary or a passion? Or both?

    • 06/09/2018 at 9:36 pm

      Hi AJ. Rule breakers are just too easy to eliminate, when I’m trying to whittle down all the good entries. But, since I like your question a lot, I decided to let you get away with it 😉
      Yes, you are a winner.
      And, I will answer your (and many other great questions) in a series of editorials in coming weeks.
      All that said, I now need your email address to send you instructions on how to claim your prize. Please contact me via email.
      Brian Hartigan
      CONTACT Editor

      • 12/09/2018 at 11:46 am

        Sorry AJ. The competition admin is now closed off and finalised. Without any contact info I was unable to arrange to send you a ticket. That’s what you get for being a rule breaker 😉
        I’ll still answer your question in an editorial one day soon, however.
        Cheers and sorry,


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