International Veterans’ Art Exhibition to coincide with Invictus Games
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During the upcoming Invictus Games Sydney 2018 the Australian National Veterans Arts Museum (ANVAM) will host an International Veterans’ Art Exhibition (IVAE18) in Sydney.
IVAE18 will showcase selected artworks submitted by current and ex-serving veterans from Invictus Games participating nations.
IVAE18 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Sydney during the Invictus Games.
The exhibition theme, Make your Mark, borrows from the Invictus Games Sydney 2018 theme of ‘Making your Mark Down Under’, and is consistent with ANVAM’s brush stroke logo and vision, encouraging veterans to ‘make a mark’ by engaging in art.
Representatives of the 18 participating nations will be invited to promote IVAE18 to their veteran community encouraging veteran artists to submit artworks for consideration.
At least one artwork of those submitted by each of the participating nations will be included in the exhibition.
IVAE18 aims to showcase veterans’ art from around the world with a focus on the range of experiences and cultural diversity of veteran artists in their military service, post military experiences and in their art practice.
IVAE18 will be coordinated by Jill Oliver, a retired NSW Police Officer.
Jill was injured in 2010 during a police operation that led to a PTSD diagnosis and the amputation of her right hand.
As part of Jill’s rehabilitation, she now engages in visual arts and has become a strong advocate for arts engagement, launching her own art group in regional NSW.
ANVAM Chairman and Director Mark Johnston said this International Veterans Art Exhibition would be unique.
“It is exciting that we have the potential for veteran artists from up to 18 nations to be represented in one exhibition,” he said.
“IVAE18 aims to engage the veteran community in a conversation around the arts, including supporting wounded, ill and injured.
“Veterans have always engaged in the arts and this modest exhibition will provide another dimension to community perceptions and validation of veterans’ sacrifice.
“We hope IVAE18 will leave an enduring legacy.”
The 2018 Invictus Games and International Veterans’ Art Exhibition will be held in Sydney from the 20 to 27 October.
IVAE18 is fully funded by ANVAM and its corporate sponsors.
ABOUT ANVAM: The Australian National Veterans Arts Museum is an Australian charity established in 2013 to support current and ex-serving veterans and their families through the arts.
ANVAM was established on the opportunity to take advantage of an unused Australian Defence building in Melbourne that was built in 1937 for veterans of World War 1 as a medical day clinic.
The Australian government is considering ANVAM’s request to establish a cultural institution in this historically significant heritage building.
A central feature of ANVAM’s work is promoting the role and value of all arts mediums for veterans and families by delivering facilitated arts engagement using an arts-in-wellbeing model.
Visit the ANVAM web site here for more details.

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