AWE2018 – way more than ‘just’ an event

As an event, Australian Warrior Expo – AWE2018 – is unique in Australia (as explained here).
BUT, AWE2018 is not just a three-day event in November.
For the growing list of exhibitors who have already signed on, AWE2018 also represents an incredible long-term marketing opportunity.
In this digital age, with smart people driving it, AWE2018 really is a unique opportunity for participating companies to present themselves in front of an audience who ‘live’ on the Internet, and build a significant and lasting relationship with people who may not even be able to go to the physical event in Brisbane on 15 to 17 November 2018 – or who may be energised to go, just to meet the companies they’ve come to know in their ‘social network’.
The reach of Facebook as a marketing tool is undeniable, and every company who will attend AWE2018 already has their own Facebook following.
But, of course, living and marketing on ones own Facebook page will only get you so far. You have to branch out – you have to reach out to new and vibrant audiences – and Australian Warrior Expo is building an incredible, energised and focused new audience, already grown to more than 10,000 fans in just a few short months.
Some exhibitors have already experienced awesome new engagement through things like competition giveaways via the AWE2018 Facebook network.
A couple of recent giveaway posts reached more than 10,000 and one attracted more than 680 actual competition entrants. Another was shared more than 260 times.
That’s real audience engagement – that probably can’t be reached on your own Facebook page alone. CONTACT has certainly never had figures like it.
Partnerships too – like AWE2018 and its Media Partner CONTACT, for example – bring together the power of two significant audiences that can deliver messages way farther and wider than when an individual plays in their own fishpond.
And it’s not just about competitions and giveaways (though these are by far the most engaging). Blog posts on the AWE2018 web site (shared to Facebook and other social platforms) are also very effective too.
Just one recent example – introducing K9 Solutions as a new exhibitor – delivered more than 1500 click-throughs to the blog – people who were curious enough and engaged enough to read the long-form entry as opposed to just the quick-hit Facebook mention.
And it’s not just about Facebook either – AWE2108 is now active and growing on Instagram and seeing very encouraging engagement growth there too.
If you are already booked in as an exhibitor at Australian Warrior Expo 2018, don’t just treat this as a conferencing opportunity – because it isn’t a conference. Don’t just put in your diary as an event only to be thought about as the date approaches.
For those who are clever and engaged in this process, the advantages and opportunities now ramping up in this ‘socially smart’ and fully networked community represent a substantial, in-built and long-term marketing gold mine.
AWE2018 and CONTACT and the growing networks of ‘socially engaged’ followers can help you make this more than just a three-day event.
If you haven’t already…
- Book your display space at AWE2018 here.
- Book advertising in CONTACT here (with 50% off for AWE exhibitors)
- And engage with both audiences regularly as the clock counts down to 15-17 November!
