How to find the right industry with the right company
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Identifying the right industry you want to work in and then how to enter that industry with the right company can be a challenging process
That’s why we have broken down this process to help you easily identify what it is you want to do, what organisations or companies do that, confirm what those companies are looking for and then what you need to study/learn to fulfil their criteria.
Firstly, you need to identify what it is you want to do by asking yourself what industry attracts you, the lifestyle you want, and the level of risk you are willing to take
These key areas can collectively help you to identify what industry you would be ideal for.
For example, if you want to make a high salary but you also value time with your family and friends both on weekends and during the week, then being a lawyer is not a realistic career, as they work very long hours for their income.
Once you identify the industry you want to work in, you can identify companies within that industry
You can achieve this by Google search of the industry to see what companies pop up, LinkedIn searching of individuals you know work in companies you find attractive, or identify relevant industry organisations on Google and LinkedIn, which will provide you with a list of companies in that industry.
This process will help you to make a shortlist of companies that appeal to you and then you can identify top people in the company that relates to the job position you want, and reach out to them.
Try to gain insight from the people you have reached out to about the reality of the industry, the valued traits, ways to enter it, and similar industries or companies
This will help you to realise if you are actually interested in working in that industry and what skills, qualifications and knowledge you need to best position yourself to enter.
Then, you can take affirmative action to land a job in your chosen industry, whether that is enrolling into a relevant degree at university, or getting an internship at a company that can provide a gateway to your desired employment.
WithYouWithMe will place transitioning ADF members on the right pathway to up-skill and develop them for the right industry
Register now as a mentee to commence your pathway.
We also encourage mentors to give a veteran an insight into the realities of their industry as they navigate their new career pathway.
By Tom Moore, CEO WithYouWithMe, a leading Australian veteran employment agency.
Image courtesy WithYouWithMe

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