16th Air Land Regiment live-fires at Woomera

Earlier this month, 110th Field Battery, 16th Air Land Regiment, conducted Exercise Remagen Bridge – an all-arms air-defence (AAAD) and advanced missile live-fire exercise at Woomera Test Range, South Australia.
The main effort was the inoculation of RBS-70 operators regarding the effects of firing the weapon system.
Secondary efforts of the exercise were the familiarisation of AAAD practices and the development of tactical firing skills.
16th Air Land Regiment’s mission is to defend deployed forces and critical assets from air-to-surface and surface-to-surface fires and provide command and control for joint air-land integration in order to support ADF operations.
Exercise Remagen Bridge ran from 14 to 20 April 2018.
The exercise was named after a key bridge over the River Rhine in the end days of WWII where American anti-aircraft batteries defended the crucial river crossing against more than 350 Luftwaffe air assaults, downing as many as 30% of the attacking aircraft.
In the face of massive and desperate German efforts to destroy the bridge, it held up for 10 days – allowing the American’s to establish a substantial bridgehead and effectively hastening the end of the war.
