AAFC will be out in force for South Australia’s Australia Day

For Australia Day this year, Air Force Cadets will again be on parade or on duty throughout South Australia and Mildura, demonstrating their commitment to their communities.

CAPTIONCadets of No 605 Squadron AAFC with the Mayor of Onkaparinga Lorraine Rosenburg at a citizenship ceremony last year (left to right): CDT Dylan Appleton, CDT Jaime Kermeen, CDT Tristan Hahn, LCDT Zachary Rogers (standing), FLTLT(AAFC) James Roncoli, Mayor Rosenburg, CDT Ethan O’Connor, CCPL Tanielle Edwards and CDT Ethan Bray.

These commemorative events help develop a strong sense of pride and the feeling of belonging to a community, which can become the basis of a cadet’s life and career.

Over the past 12 months, No 605 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron has supported the City of Onkaparinga with several citizenship ceremonies.

During the ceremonies, participants are presented with their citizenship paperwork along with a small gift from the council.

The Air Force Cadets of 605 Squadron have assisted with the presentations of the gifts and with the overall ceremony.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair, Commanding Officer of 605 Squadron said, “The Squadron looks forward to continuing this engagement with the Onkaparinga community in 2018”.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig, 6 Wing Public Affairs & Communication Officer said, “Our Air Force Cadets will again be prominent this year in supporting our community”.

Many cadets will support school and community flag-raising activities on Australia Day.

Regionally for example, cadets from No 622 Squadron AAFC will be joining with the local Army cadets to support the Australia Day Ceremony run by the Rural City of Murray Bridge at Sturt Reserve.

Similarly in Port Pirie, No 614 Squadron cadets will support the Australia Day Flag Raising Ceremony on the Solomontown Beach Foreshore.

By far the major event will be in Adelaide, where Air Force cadets will carry banners in the annual Australia Day Parade along King William Street, leading each community group.

The Australia Day Council of South Australia appreciates this invaluable support, noting that the presence of uniformed Cadets not only brings additional youthfulness to the event but also adds a certain amount of relaxed dignity to the march.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Rosenzweig said, “Participating in ceremonial activities helps Air Force Cadets develop self-discipline, body control and teamwork”.

“We are proud of the way so many of them willingly volunteer to be ‘on duty’ on Australia Day and at similar activities like citizenship ceremonies, enhancing their community spirit and contributing to our national identity.”








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “AAFC will be out in force for South Australia’s Australia Day

  • 15/01/2018 at 4:23 pm

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries (staff, cadet or as an aviation instructor) in South Australia and Mildura pls contact:
    paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au


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