605 Squadron AAFC honour the fallen with good neighbours

Throughout South Australia and Mildura, air force cadets from No 6 Wing again supported local community organisations in honouring the sacrifice of the fallen by participating in a range of Remembrance Day activities.

CAPTIONFlying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair, Commanding Officer of No 605 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron with Cadets Darcy Needle, Ethan O’Connor and Joshua Duncan. Photos courtesy of SA Police.

The cadets of No 605 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron at Lonsdale, SA, took part in an activity slightly different to the customary commemoration service and catafalque party.

Cadets Ethan O’Connor, Joshua Duncan and Darcy Needle from No 605 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron salute the Last Post.
Cadets Ethan O’Connor, Joshua Duncan and Darcy Needle from No 605 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron salute the Last Post.

The SA Police Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers Association of SA was holding its Annual General Meeting on the Saturday morning of Remembrance Day. The activity was organised with a scheduled break in the proceedings.

President of the Neighbourhood Watch Volunteers Association of SA Inc Dennis Obst opened the ceremony.

An address was given by Chris Picton MP, the State member for Kaurna in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, and Minister for Police, Correctional Services, Emergency Services and Road Safety.

Flying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair, Commanding Officer of No 605 Squadron said, “It was a great honour for the squadron to be invited to assist Neighbourhood Watch with the commemoration at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”.

6 Wing Public Affairs Officer Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig said, “In just a few years’ time, several of these young adults could well be serving in one of our Armed Services, quite likely already on their second operational deployment or humanitarian mission overseas”.

“It is interesting to note that many who were serving as cadets in the AAFC just a year or two ago are already in uniform as ADF members”.

Remembrance Day is about reflecting on the sacrifices our forebears made during war. But it’s worth remembering that the community service these cadets provide is laying a good foundation for their future contributions.


Cadet Ethan O’Connor gives an address during a Remembrance Day event, supported by Cadets Joshua Duncan and Darcy Needle.
Cadet Ethan O’Connor gives an address during a Remembrance Day event, supported by Cadets Joshua Duncan and Darcy Needle.








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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “605 Squadron AAFC honour the fallen with good neighbours

  • 13/12/2017 at 10:52 am

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries (staff, cadet or as an aviation instructor) in South Australia and Mildura pls contact:
    paco.6wg (at) aafc.org.au


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