Corporal Kyle Genner visits grand-uncle’s grave in Belgium
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Corporal Kyle Genner is an Army photographer busy in Belgium documenting official commemoration activities for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Polygon Wood.
But Corporal Genner also had family involved in the battle 100 years ago today, and took time to find and reflect at the grave of his kin.
Corporal Kyle Genner said it was surreal to see his family name on a headstone in Belgium – the headstone of his great-great-great-uncle Arthur Genner, at Buttes New British Cemetery, Zonnebeke.
A commemorative Dawn Service was held this morning at the 5th Division Memorial, Buttes New British Cemetery, Zonnebeke, Belgium – and Corporal Genner’s photos of that event will be published tomorrow.
Corporal Genner also photographed the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate last night, which was attended by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and hundreds of other guests.
The Battle of Polygon Wood was a component of the Third Battle of Ypres, or ‘Passchendaele’, and was the 5th Australian Division’s first major battle in Belgium. While the battle was considered a success for the AIF, it cost 5,770 Australian casualties.

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