2RAR will be called 2RAR (Amphib)

Following a recent CONTACT article that suggested 2RAR would ‘cease to exist as an infantry battalion’, new details have emerged.

In an article in ARMY newspaper today, the commanding officer of 2RAR referred repeatedly to his unit as 2RAR (Amphib) and suggested the unit would be reduced to a headquarters and three sub-units.

While he politically correctly described the new structure as ‘leaner and more agile’, others have told CONTACT it will be about half the size of a regular infantry battalion.

The restructure will see 2RAR focus on specialist amphibious skills, with what we think is an ‘ambitious’ aspiration to ‘still retain the ability to act as a conventional infantry battalion when required’ – while somehow, the reduced unit establishment would also ‘allow soldiers with amphibious experience to be shared across Army’.

One hint at how this might be achieved, however comes in the suggestion that “the transition is a great opportunity to harness the total force to integrate reservists and ex-serving ARA personnel”.

ARMY newspaper also introduced a “Plan Keogh” today, without explanation. CONTACT has never heard of Plan Keogh – and a search of both the Defence web site and Google failed to shed any enlightenment.


CO 2RAR Lieutenant Colonel Doug Pashley told ARMY news it was an exciting time for 2RAR, building on the amphibious trial and being given the opportunity to establish a world-class amphibious unit optimised for pre-landing force operations.

“Working as part of a joint team, 2RAR (Amphib) will be the eyes and ears of Australia’s amphibious force, specialising in the use of small boats and the conduct of reconnaissance, surveillance and sniping in a littoral environment,” he said.

“They will be aiming to provide the landing force with a detailed understanding of the environment they are about to step into.

“2RAR (Amphib) will be responsible for securing beach and helicopter landing sites in support of an amphibious landing, and will be key to enabling the landing force to come ashore and complete its mission.”


2RAR will formally transition to Amphib on 15 October and the restructure will be marked by a parade on November 23 – the 69th anniversary of the Royal Australian Regiment.

Lieutenant Colonel Doug Pashley said they wanted to use the parade to recognise the change to 2RAR but also to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that all ranks and all corps have made to develop Army’s amphibious capability.







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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

6 thoughts on “2RAR will be called 2RAR (Amphib)

  • 24/12/2017 at 7:43 pm

    So what is “Plan Keogh” ?

    • 06/07/2019 at 1:00 pm

      I would like to knew why another Battalion is basically removed from the ORBAT. I must admit that drivers for the said Landing Crafts is required so why not create an Amphib unit. Better still if memory serves me correct there are or should be 3 X battalions in a Regiment etc. An Inf Div on ground of regulars with an Amphib attached to complement the Div like all other attachments. I wonder which simpleton General is going to get a medal for this. We’ve been an adhock Army since WW2, with the brown shoe Generals all AH!! Hell what’s the point, lucky for us we really never had to go alone. And would I go to war with what we’ve got??????

  • 10/09/2017 at 3:43 pm

    couldn’t agree with you more

  • 10/09/2017 at 3:06 pm

    Regardless of all the buzzwords and spin, when you cut away the crap you’re left with the reality that Army just lost another battalion because the government are too tight arse to spend money on investing in personnel to fill out required personnel positions. This is nothing more than “robbing Peter to pay Paul”. Slap each other on the back as much as you want, 2RAR worked hard to achieve their amphibious capability but it’s just been squandered. Small boats does make you an amphibious unit, coming across the beach on LLC’s does not make you an amphibious unit.

    If the government was serious about the amphibious capability they would invest in amphibious vehicles (AAV7A1-SU or similar) which can be utilised in much than beach assaults as seen in the recent flooding in Houston, Texas, where Marines deployed in AAV’s assisted in recovery and HA/DR superbly. When war in the region is looking more and more like a reality, we need to invest in more personnel to fill needed holes in the ranks and then expansion. The incoming equipment is great, but when you need to gut infantry battalions to get the needed personnel to fill those capabilities, something is very very wrong.

    • 11/09/2017 at 11:40 pm

      Nick said how it is.What a Joke to Our Women/Men/ and their Families including the past Men/Women who do an excellent job.Always exceeding at what tasks always lie ahead.Maybe the Government should cut back on it’s own spending. By not allowing themselves to get a pay rise & Actually give that money where it is needed or even they should cutback or the so called perk’s.Cause we as the Tax’s payer is footing the bill

    • 24/12/2017 at 7:42 pm

      “If the government was serious about the amphibious capability they would invest in amphibious vehicles (AAV7A1-SU or similar) ”
      Neither the Government nor the rmy are serious about the Amphibious capability.
      AAV7 is not an amphibious assault vehicle, and there is nothing similar.
      A different appraoch is required


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