Middle-East-bound troops farewelled in Townsville
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Commander 1st Division Major General Paul McLachlan yesterday farewelled service men and women from two Middle-East-bound contingents – Force Protection Element-Eight (FPE-8) and Theatre Communications Group-Five (TCG-5).
CAPTION: Farewell parade for Middle-East-bound troops in Townsville. 3 Brigade photo.
FPE-8 comprises more than 120 personnel, predominately drawn from Townsville’s 3rd Brigade.
It will provide security and protected mobility support for ADF elements located in the vicinity of Kabul, Afghanistan, including trainers and mentors at the Afghanistan National Army Officer Academy (ANAOA) and the Kabul Garrison Command-Advisory Team (KGC-AT).
TCG-5 consists of more than 100 ADF personnel, from the three services, with a predominately communications speciality.
They have been drawn together from several units from across Australia.
The role of TCG-5 is to provide communications and information systems support to coalition operations throughout the Middle East Region.
Australia currently has almost 1800 military personnel deployed in the Middle East Region.
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