No 619 Squadron AAFC farewell

Air Force Cadets from No 619 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron at Seaford, SA recently farewelled a long-serving member – Cadet Sergeant Thomas Stagbouer.

As Sergeant Stagbouer was about to turn 20 years old, he reached the end of his cadet career.

He was presented with a plaque and a Certificate of Service from the Commanding Officer of No 619 Squadron, Flying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair.

Cadet Sergeant Thomas Stagbouer receives his Certificate of Service from Flying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair.
Cadet Sergeant Thomas Stagbouer receives his Certificate of Service from Flying Officer (AAFC) Simon Blair.

His Certificate of Service recorded:

You are hereby released from your duties at No. 619 (City of Onkaparinga) Squadron – Seaford, with the thanks of the Commanding Officer, Staff and the Cadets of the Squadron. You have fulfilled your duty to the Cadets under your command, having fulfilled the roles and functions of a Cadet Sergeant. Your support to more junior cadets, ability to perform instructional roles along-side your academic and practical performance during your time within the Australian Air Force Cadets is to be commended”.

In his four and a half years of service since joining the AAFC in April 2012, Thomas Stagbouer rose steadily through the ranks of Leading Cadet (2013), Cadet Corporal (2015) and Cadet Sergeant (February 2016). He progressively completed Recruit, Basic and Proficiency Stages of the AAFC home training curriculum (earning the 3-Bladed Propeller proficiency badge), and then completed Advanced Stage to qualify for the 4-Bladed Propeller badge. Meanwhile he passed both Junior and Senior NCO promotion courses, and completed the Firearms Training Elective with the .22-inch Long Rifle, earning the Single Gold Rifle badge.

In addition to the standard leadership roles he held by virtue of his rank, he also served as the squadron’s Cadet Reference Group Representative for almost two years.

6 Wing Public Affairs Officer Pilot Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig said, “The service of Cadet Sergeant Thomas Stagbouer and the qualifications he has earned demonstrates what anyone can achieve within just a few years in the AAFC with perseverance and dedication”.

No 619 Squadron is based at Seaford Secondary College southwest of Adelaide, and in June 2016 was granted the Freedom of Entry to the City of Onkaparinga.

The Squadron has two recruit intakes per year at the beginning of Term 1 and Term 3.

The aim of the Squadron is to foster qualities that will enable cadets to become responsible young adults who will make a valuable contribution to the community..












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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “No 619 Squadron AAFC farewell

  • 08/12/2016 at 10:45 pm

    The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth oriented organisation which operates in a military and aviation environment. For recruitment enquiries in South Australia pls contact:
    paco.6wg (at)


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