Soldier honoured to join international guard

An Australian soldier deployed to the Korean peninsula on Operation Linesmen has joined the multinational United Nations Command (UNC) Honour Guard Company.

CAPTION: Private Kieran Findlay in the United Nations Command Honor Guard at an Anzac Day Dawn Service at the War Memorial of Korea. Story by Lieutenant Commander Brendan Trembath.

Private Kieran Findlay works alongside service members and civilians from the United States, South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand.

The company provides security to the commander of UNC, Combined Forces Command and US Forces Korea, and ceremonial guards of honour and guards to visiting dignitaries.

To date, the ceremonial duties for Private Findlay have included supporting the Battle of Kapyong commemoration, the Anzac Day dawn service at the War Memorial of Korea in Seoul, and the internment of a Dutch Korean War veteran’s remains at the United Nations Military Cemetery in Busan.

Private Findlay said it was a privilege participating in the ceremonies, less than four years after enlisting in the ADF.

“To serve in the UNC Honour Guard Company as a member of the Australian Defence Force is an honour and a great opportunity for me,” Private Findlay said.

“One of my major reasons for joining the ADF was to increase my self-confidence and skills because I was quite a shy kid growing up. Defence has definitely helped me become more confident and capable.

“The members of the Honour Guard are an amazing group of people and have been very welcoming.”





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “Soldier honoured to join international guard

  • 07/06/2024 at 11:41 am

    Well done Kieran.


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