Course builds special forces capability

1st Commando Regiment completed its inaugural special operations first-aid course recently, to enable special warfare operators to develop the skills and ability to provide increased emergency medical care in complex environments.

CAPTIONSpecial operations first-aid course participants assess a casualty role-player and prepare for field medical care under the supervision of Australian and American directing staff. (Images have been digitally altered for security purposes.). Story by Major N.

The six-week course is designed to enable ECN 900 special warfare operators to provide a level of increased emergency medical care at the point of injury, along with limited primary health care to special warfare detachment members and authorised partners.

In addition to Australian Army instructors, United States Special Forces provided an instructor from the Office of Special Warfare, who assisted in ensuring the course was in line with best practice across the special forces community.

The course covers basic life support and trauma basics and progresses through to advanced tactical care of the combat casualty along with management of medical emergencies and the evacuation of casualties.

CAPTIONA special operations first-aid course participant completes medical and casualty handover documentation for a casualty role-player prior to evacuation.

Participants consolidated theory knowledge with a visit to a university high-fidelity anatomy laboratory, with the emphasis on force preservation within austere and remote environments.

They were also put to the test during foundations of primary health care, and challenged within the limitations of telemedicine.

Commanding Officer 1st Commando Regiment Lieutenant Colonel M said the course demonstrated the increased skills and capability required to support special warfare.

“1st Commando Regiment is constantly evaluating the skills and capabilities required by our soldiers and officers,” Lieutenant Colonel M said.

“Having the training and skills to provide emergency medical care on the ground in complex environments ensures our people can respond quickly, keep our people safe and complete the mission.

“1st Commando Regiment course participants dealt with complex and difficult problem sets, which require them to have autonomy, flexibility and lateral thinking in order to source unconventional solutions.”

Special Operations Command has allocated the special warfare capability to 1st Commando Regiment in response to a rapidly changing strategic and operational environment.

CAPTIONSpecial operations first-aid course participants carry a casualty role-player on a stretcher from a compound during an advanced tactical care scenario.





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