HMAS Anzac home after regional presence deployment

After a busy few months, the ship’s company of HMAS Anzac has wrapped up the latest regional presence deployment in the Indo-Pacific region.

CAPTIONHMAS Anzac sailors line the forecastle as the ship arrives at Busan Naval Base, Republic of Korea during a regional presence deployment. Story by Lieutenant Max Logan. Photos by Leading Seaman Jarryd Capper.

Anzac arrived in Darwin this week, after departing for the deployment from its home port of Fleet Base West in mid-April.

With pandemic restrictions easing around the world, the phrase “join the Navy, see the world” is again ringing true.

Anzac sailor Able Seaman Claire Brown has deployed to sea several times, but the pandemic prevented a number of port visits.

“During the regional presence deployment I enjoyed working with other navies and visiting their countries. My favourite country visited was South Korea – I enjoyed the culture and experiences offered there,” she said.

“While at sea, I enjoyed watching the F-35Bs launch from USS America and conduct a close fly-by of Anzac.”

Able Seaman Brown said time away from Australia is not without its challenges, and support from home was an important part of the deployment.

“To my family and friends, I appreciate the ongoing love and support they provided on a daily basis. Our visit to Darwin has also enabled the opportunity for my partner to visit after five months apart,” she said.

“But even with the challenges, if someone asked me if they should join the Royal Australian Navy, without a doubt I would recommend it.

“The Navy provides people with life skills and independence that is rare to find in other jobs. You will meet people who will become friends, and in most cases, family for life.”

CAPTION: Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel welcome HMAS Anzac to Kure, Japan, during a regional presence deployment.

Commanding Officer Anzac Commander Barton Harrington accepted ‘the weight of command’ from his predecessor, Commander David McPherson, at sea in June.

He hit the ground running, integrating with a US Carrier Strike Group before conducting Exercise Lumbas in the Philippines and supporting Indo-Pacific Endeavour in Indonesia.

“Our regional presence deployment has seen ship’s company conduct the important role of training, maritime exercises and other engagements with Australia’s regional partners,” he said.

“I’m immensely proud of the efforts of the crew throughout the deployment and thankful to their families back home who support our people during these essential deployments.

Anzac’s busy program is set to continue during the conduct of further activities under Indo-Pacific Endeavour, alongside other ADF units and regional partners.”

Deployment highlights include:

  • Several port visits and an Anzac Day commemoration in Singapore.
  • Exercise Bersama Shield with nations of the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA).
  • A port visit to Busan, South Korea, and participation in Exercise Eastern Endeavour.
  • Operation Argos.
  • Integration with a US Carrier Strike Group.
  • Maintenance period alongside in Singapore, supported by the FPDA, RAAF, and Navy’s Fleet Support Unit.
  • Exercise Lumbas with the Philippine Navy and port visit to Subic Bay.
  • Port visit to Kure, Japan.
  • Port visit to Surabaya, Indonesia, in support of Indo-Pacific Endeavour.
  • Cooperative activities at sea with Canada, Japan and the US.

CAPTIONRoyal Australian Navy’s HMAS Anzac (centre back), Royal Malaysian Navy’s KD Lekir (right) and KD Gempita (left), and Republic of Singapore Navy’s RSS Vigilant (centre front) sail in formation during officer-of-the-watch manoeuvres as part of Exercise Bersama Shield 2023.





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