Aussie Chief of Army views Ukrainian training

Chief of Army Lieutenant General Simon Stuart has praised the commitment and courage of Ukrainian army recruits during a visit to a military training site in the United Kingdom.

CAPTION: New Zealand Defence Force teams training Ukrainian recruits to defend their nation. Story by Lieutenant Commander John Thompson.

Lieutenant General Stuart is in the UK for briefings with senior British Armed Forces staff and a series of meetings with other key defence partners.

He took time out to visit the facility in southern England, where up to 170 Ukrainian civilians – including taxi drivers, bricklayers, solicitors and tradesmen – aged 18-55, are preparing to defend their country.

“This visit has been immensely valuable – one can’t help but be impressed by the determination and attitude of these trainees,” Lieutenant General Stuart said.

Over five weeks, Ukrainians learn field craft and survivability, tactical exercises, range practice, first aid, and International Law of Armed Conflict under the guidance of New Zealand soldiers working with the British Army.

In January, 70 Australian Army personnel will join the operation to help deliver training as part of the UK’s commitment to train 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers.

“I’m confident that we’ll make a difference,” Lieutenant General Stuart said.

“The Ukrainians will learn from us and our experiences in the field, but, equally, we will learn from them and their experiences fighting in eastern Europe.

“It will make all of us better soldiers.”

Commander of the UK’s 5 Rifles infantry battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Kempley Buchan-Smith, said he was looking forward to welcoming the Australians.

“Having Australian soldiers here will give the Ukrainians reassurance that they are not alone,” he said.

Lieutenant General Stuart’s visit to the UK started with his attendance at the Remembrance Day service at Westminster Cathedral.

“It was an appropriate way to start this visit – remembering the lives lost fighting for freedom and democracy,” Lieutenant General Stuart said.

“I see this visit as being an important continuation of a long-standing, unique, and successful relationship we have with the United Kingdom.”





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9 thoughts on “Aussie Chief of Army views Ukrainian training

  • 09/12/2022 at 12:30 pm

    MMc. You are just pushing the typical Russian/CCP etc line. It’s all BS and in many cases direct lies and as Trump says FAKE NEWS. If you love them so much go and live there for awhile and see if you still have the same opinion.

    • 09/12/2022 at 1:10 pm

      G’day Frank.

      You’re quoting a disgraced U.S. President, calling me a liar and calling Fake news?

      I had hoped to find SOMEONE on this site prepared to indulge in some serious debate and discussion about Australia’s Strategic and Military Policies, but so far it is a forlorn hope.

      The Ukrainians are loosing a Battalion every day, but the Yanks aren’t ready to negotiate yet, and that’s all good?

      Neutrality for Australia.

      YANKEE GO HOME !!!


  • 20/11/2022 at 5:07 pm

    None of the previous comments appear to make sense. Russia is the aggressor that does not accept that its neighbour may make decisions regarding its own security and trade relations without consulting Russia, just because a lot of Russians settled in the Ukraine during the USSR does not make that part of Russia. By supporting Ukraine, the West gets to test its weapons while depleting the Russian armaments and demoralizing its armed forces.

  • 20/11/2022 at 1:17 pm

    So we should just let Putin run roughshod over Eastern Europe? And when he decides he wants Australian uranium for free, who will there be left to help us out?

    • 20/11/2022 at 2:24 pm

      So you are onboard with the Ukrainian Volkssturm?
      Sane people would prefer to negotiate, but the Yanks and Brits made sure that wouldn’t happen by cancelling the Peace talks in Ankara back in April. You know, that ”fighting to the last Ukrainian” thing?

      So AFTER Russian gets through its own 660 Thousand Tonne Uranium reserves, HOW do you expect them to get here, extract it and ship it home? You really haven’t thought this out and I think we should just stick to reality.

      It’s obvious Australia is the next U.S.Ally to be sacrificed for Freedumb, just check the news any day.

      Neutrality for Australia.

      YANKEE GO HOME !!!


  • 20/11/2022 at 10:33 am

    Training a 21st Century Volkssturm certainly proves the adage of the Yanks fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian.

    ”Better Dead than Red” seems to be the mantra, and that the A.D.F. happily signs on for this last ditch desperation move shows the moral and intellectual vacuum it now moves in.

    Australia turn to ‘Do a Ukraine’ in the U.S.’s War against China gets closer every day.

    Neutrality for Australia.



    • 20/11/2022 at 9:27 pm

      R u for real? Talk about left wing garbage…

    • 24/11/2022 at 10:53 pm

      I think you have your facts wrong and just bashing the US for the sake of it.
      The training of Ukraine soldiers that Australia will be assisting has got NOTHING to do with the US. It is training conducted as promised by the english. And these Ukraine soldiers have volinteered to DEFEND THIER country……from an evading military force, sorry I think your post is vial, hurtfull and disrecfull not just to America but to Ukrainians as well who didnt as for this war

      • 25/11/2022 at 12:08 pm

        Cheers Kev for your input.

        We can state as a FACT the minute the Yanks withdraw Military OR Political backing for Ukraine, it’s all over.
        Australia and ‘The Collective West’ will get back in their kennel and wait for the next U.S. Dog whistle.

        The Yanks have been pushing for this conflict since the Warsaw Pact folded.
        Despite constant Russian pleas, and repeated U.S. promises, the Yanks have pushed N.A.T.O. to the borders of The Russian Federation. A clearly defined ‘Red Line’ the Russians stated and the Yanks willfully ignored.
        Despite disallowing Peace talks, the Yanks WILL have to negotiate with Russia eventually.
        Just like when they LOST in Vietnam and Afghan, but as usual, they will wait until the Butchers Bill is full.

        This War is completely unnecessary to the World and Ukraine, but incredibly beneficial and profitable to the U.S. Political class and the Military Industrial Complex that owns them.
        Last year Afghanistan.
        This year Ukraine
        Next year China.
        As always the Australian lap dog will be there, hiding behind the Yanks skirts, barking and looking for approval.

        Neutrality for Australia.

        YANKEE GO HOME !!!



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