CDF outlines ADF support to Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

It has been 12 months since the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide began its work.

CAPTION: Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, AO, DSC. Photo by Nicole Mankowski.

Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell said it was important the Royal Commission had a deep and thorough understanding of modern service life.

“By knowing the challenges ADF members and their family face, and by understanding which support systems work and which need improving, the Royal Commission can understand how best to recommend positive change,” General Campbell said.

In a video message, General Campbell encouraged people with experiences or information that might help the Royal Commission to make a submission.

“Experience need not directly involve suicide or suicidality, it might be information about service life, trauma, health and wellbeing or family support,” General Campbell said.

There are protections in place that allow people to speak openly with the Royal Commission.

The Royal Commission may raise issues that are personally challenging for some in our Defence community. Defence members and their families are encouraged to reach out if you need support:

If life is in danger, please call 000.

You can find more information about the Royal Commission on their website.





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3 thoughts on “CDF outlines ADF support to Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide

  • 24/07/2022 at 9:25 am

    If you want Diggers to stop topping themselves, it’s bloody easy!
    Don’t send us to unjust and morally wrong Wars.
    Don’t tell us we’re gonna make that Country a better place, it never happens.
    Don’t tell us we have our Countries backing and support, we don’t.
    Don’t tell us we’re the good guys, we’re not.
    Don’t send us to fight America’s Wars. We always lose.
    THAT’S how you stop Veteran Suicide.

    Duty First.

  • 24/07/2022 at 7:17 am

    The quicker this indivigual is gone the better i heard him at the commision . hes bad for morale . a new politician in the making looking to be parachuted into the nearest seat. just my opinion only. but shared by a lot of service people,

    • 26/07/2022 at 8:25 am

      Steve, You are right.
      I would also add–Don’t have us fight with one arm tied behind our back.
      Treat our enemies at home the same as our enemies we were sent to fight.
      Don’t discharge our mentally and physically damaged veterans, but treat them as family so they still have their pride and identity.
      Find work for them which suits their capabilities.
      Give them an entitlement to further and better education, and encourage them to take it up.
      I am an eighty year old Vietnam veteran, and I know the restrictions and impediments that were put on me when I left the service after over twelve years.
      After a lot of talk, especially from those who’s careers and political skills have secured their future, things remain the same.
      There needs to be a complete rethink, led by those who have been there—and not ex officers.
      The NCO’s and grunts who have made their way, or tried to make their way in a harsh and indifferent world.
      John Cav.


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