Australia to pay $830million compo for cancelled subs contract

The Australian government has finalised negotiations with Naval Group to conclude the Attack-class submarine program.

The former government made the decision to terminate the contract on the basis of advice about capability requirements for the Australian Defence Force— advice that was accepted by Labor in opposition.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the government had reached a fair and equitable settlement of €555 million around AU$830 million – with Naval Group.

“Now that the matter is resolved we can move forward with the relationship with France,” Mr Albanese said.

“Australia and France share deep historical ties of friendship, forged in common sacrifice in war.

“We are both vibrant democracies, committed to upholding human rights and fundamental values.

“We deeply respect France’s role and active engagement in the Indo-Pacific.

“Given the gravity of the challenges that we face both in the region and globally, it is essential that Australia and France once again unite to defend our shared principles and interests – the primacy of international law; respect for sovereignty; the rejection of all forms of coercion; and taking resolute action on climate change.

“I look forward to taking up President Macron’s invitation to visit Paris at an early opportunity, and to continuing to work closely with him as we deepen the strategic partnership between our nations.”





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

4 thoughts on “Australia to pay $830million compo for cancelled subs contract

  • 26/06/2022 at 6:29 pm

    Australians are obviously the dumbest humans to ever have paid taxes.

  • 26/06/2022 at 11:39 am

    How many Australian serving or ex military officers and public servants were part of the “Naval Group” and how much of this taxpayer “compensation” will they receive?

  • 26/06/2022 at 6:31 am

    Cancelled contract not just due to capability requirements, but cost blow-outs, security concerns, constant changing of Australian workforce percentages and not to mention how arrogant and rude the french engineers were when working in Adelaide.

    Now we pay them nearly 3/4 of a billion dollars AND agree to have them build our new subs! We are becoming a laughing stock to the world with the way the politicians are running the show.

    Albo is acting as if we owe the French something, when was the last time French blood was spilled defending Australian soil?

  • 15/06/2022 at 1:19 pm

    An indication of the complete lack of Morality in the A.D.F.

    Paying $830,000,000 to a Defence contractor while refusing to pay a few thousand Dollars as compensation to Syrian, Afghan and Iraqi civilians killed by R.A.A.F. airstrikes.

    It seems we now have ”Australian Exceptionalism”, where rule of Law and morality don’t apply to our actions.

    Welcome to the 51st State of Ausmerica.


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