Vet Affairs’ Minister unblocks DVA funding with resignation threat

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Andrew Gee called a press conference this morning to announce his resignation from Federal Cabinet.

CAPTION: Andrew Gee, Minister for Veterans Affairs, addressing media to explain why he was just moments away from resigning from Cabinet.

At least, that was his stated intention when he called the press conference – but the threat of resignation was enough to unlock a promise for the extra DVA funding he was seeking.

Minister Gee made no bones about the fact he was mere moments away from resigning if he didn’t get the money – money he said was desperately needed to address an unacceptably high and growing backlog of claims pending with DVA.

Mr Gee said he had asked for $96 million to clear the DVA-claims backlog by the middle of next year, but discovered that less than a quarter of needed amount had been allocated in next week’s budget.

Answering to the Deputy Prime Minister on the matter, Mr Gee said he told Mr Joyce that the media was waiting outside and, as courtesy, he was letting his leader know in advance that he was going to resign from cabinet.

“[What followed was] quite a bit of activity, and the end result is that the $96 million to help process and clear this backlog of 60,000 claims is now going to be forthcoming,” Mr Gee said.

“I accept that in politics and in life you have to make compromises, but my personal integrity is not up for compromise.”

View Mr Gee’s press conference here…





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

7 thoughts on “Vet Affairs’ Minister unblocks DVA funding with resignation threat

  • 28/03/2022 at 12:24 pm

    The delay causes great distress to the Veterans AND to the families. Partners often have to deal with a Veteran who is put under unnecessary stress because of lengthy delays which only adds to the mental health issues faced by our Defense Force Personnel and the family

  • 28/03/2022 at 9:51 am

    A good response to an ongoing problem, it’s a shame that a upcoming election has prompted this action, why was it not done as a matter of course, it’s not as though it has just been disclosed, call me cynical but that’s just how it is.

  • 27/03/2022 at 3:20 pm

    It is honorable that a Senior Minister has offered up his career for a cause that will benefit the Veteran Community, but why? Is it not clear enough to see that more resources are needed to complete 60,000 claims currently held by DVA? Sadly though this is just the tip of the shortfalls within DVA!

    • 27/03/2022 at 6:09 pm

      Well said Tich – appreciate comments that inspire the Government to recognize the claims of ex servicemen

  • 27/03/2022 at 1:27 pm

    Great to to see someone on politics attempt to and fight for the digger. I thank the minister for his perseverance in this urgent matter. Minister take care always and look after yourself and family

  • 27/03/2022 at 12:47 pm

    My former partner who worked at DVA for a decade said the cost to run the Department is higher than the total cost of claims they process.
    It is CHEAPER to just approve the claims than to process and knock them back!

  • 27/03/2022 at 10:34 am

    Wow, it’s rare to get a minister willing to do whatever it takes to fulfil his responsibilities. He looks like a keeper. I hope he’s still around after the next election.


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