I’m a Zulu!

A warrior you are; and, first into the fight
As from behind where you sit there wields a great might
You look from below for hidden dangers, reporting targets that you see
For him to dispatch with extreme prejudice, cursing with glee!

You maneuver the vehicle, working together as a crew
Only those who have done this job, know exactly what you go through
As you are shut in there tight with only one-way to safely egress
For to lift the driver hatch in a “live fire” will surely turn you into a mess

You inspect the running gear every opportunity that you get
With a few pumps of grease here then there, best not to forget
The drive sprockets; final drives; and, the bump stops as you know
The support arms, twenty road wheels checking the lot as you go
For to miss just one thing could have dire consequences for your team
The “Boss”, well he’ll be pissed off; and, then at you he’ll scream!

You are also the cooker of wonderful “Culinary Delights”
Your crew commander gives that “look” at you as he takes his first bite
Looking at his face you have your small moment of fun
Dog tired from driving all day long in the heat; dust; and, scorching sun
Having your time in the seat, remember this you must do
For as the driver you are an integral part of the crew

By Spent Cartridge
ex – Black Hat – Cav


FILE PHOTO: An M113AS4 at Shoalwater Bay. Photo by Leading Seaman Andrew Dakin.





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

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