Dream team bound for new home

South Australia’s top dog is on his way to RAAF Base Amberley.

CAPTION: Military working dog Olly has been posted to RAAF Base Amberley in Queensland. Story by Flight Lieutenant Dee Irwin. Photo by Leading Aircraftman Stewart Gould.

Award-winning military working dog Olly, a Belgian malinois, will make the trip with handler Leading Aircraftwoman Mikaela Sim.

Olly was just 12 months old when the two were paired together four years ago. They now have a military working dog handler course behind them and share a strong bond.

“He’s always taken to his training quickly and does everything I ask of him,” Leading Aircraftwoman Sim said.

“I just love how happy he is to work and it makes training fun for both of us. He’s a super happy dog, he just wants to please.”

After completing the course, they were posted to RAAF Base Darwin. They’ve had many memorable moments in their career together but being involved in exercises had been a stand out.

“The most exciting and intense experience as a dog handler was during the three main exercises while at Darwin; Exercise Diamond Storm, Exercise Pitch Black and Exercise Talisman Sabre,” Leading Aircraftwoman Sim said.

“Being able to show off Olly’s training, particularly during demonstrations, was a proud moment. He always gets great reactions.”

Having just completed their posting together at No. 3 Security Forces Squadron at RAAF Base Edinburgh, Olly and Leading Aircraftwoman Sim were formally recognised by the unit for their efforts in training, receiving the section top dog award.

“Knowing that you’ve put in the effort together to progress and succeed is a proud moment,” Leading Aircraftwoman Sim said.

CAPTION: Leading Aircraft Woman Mikaela Sim and Olly took part in Exercise Diamond Storm, Exercise Pitch Black and Exercise Talisman Sabre. Photo by Leading Aircraftman Stewart Gould. 





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One thought on “Dream team bound for new home

  • 03/01/2022 at 12:21 am

    Any WOMAN and her dog coming out of my home state SA gets my salute! Enjoy Amberley cobbler . . . Watch out for hoards of Cockles from the dump if you intend living in the Leichardt area. In the kitchen draws and removal hitch hikers across the world! W48 . . .


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