
Did you receive this email from DVA?

I promptly turned into this “hastily prepared Ambush!” “Engaged the Enemy!” and am “Fighting Through” for our community!

Fancy giving us less than four days to sort out affairs! What of our community overseas; interstate; laid up; out of reach; possibly in hospital; or just unable to drive that ship My Gov? or My Account? and to make matters worse, someone can’t spell! Better as it has been written as Beta on the NEW!! My Service (tongue in cheek!).

What happened to two weeks notice or six months as a lot of us remember? Or have I got this completely wrong? Did I miss out on the “Warning Order?” I must have been doing a SOP!

Bugger me mate!

You take care Brian!

Also to all of our volunteer and paid advocates, does this create more work for you?

Merry Christmas! c/o DVA!

Best wishes and stay safe to my community and team CONTACT!


Spent Cartridge
Proud Army Veteran and Peace Keeper





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Posted by Brian Hartigan

Managing Editor Contact Publishing Pty Ltd PO Box 3091 Minnamurra NSW 2533 AUSTRALIA

One thought on “CONTACT! WAIT OUT!

  • 07/12/2021 at 4:59 pm

    Hey Spent Cartridge. Yes, I did get this letter – and, yes, you obviously did miss the warning order sent out months ago.
    That said, I saw ‘no action required’ (except for saving letters in your MyAccount inbox to somewhere safe – which I always do anyway, if they are important). Aside from that, no action required, as far as I can see.
    It’s only a software change from one system to another – nothing to fret about mate.
    If you weren’t already Spent, I’d say “keep your powder dry” 😉
    Your favourite big, bald, Irish magazine editor,
    Brian Hartigan
    AKA The Big Irish Git


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